Hii all~

jayashr @jayashr
Hii all~
jayashr @jayashr
This account has been suspended.

ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb
commented on
Hii all~
ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb
Hello and welcome to MO!
I think you'll find someone to talk to

jayashr @jayashr
commented on
Hii all~
jayashr @jayashr
This account has been suspended.

CAC @cac
commented on
Hii all~
CAC @cac
Good luck with that, welcome.

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hii all~
Jessie @erendel
Hello there, welcome.

ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb
commented on
Hii all~
ToWeebOrNotToWeeb @toweebornottoweeb
Unfortunately not but I think there’s a post on here that might have what you’re looking for

Dragon Girl Chila @dragongirlchila
commented on
Hii all~
Dragon Girl Chila @dragongirlchila
Good luck and welcome to the site https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Tv7Mj7j43mY/W817im0aHLI/AAAAAAAAKn4/WIoyj1-WIZ0SurewzCgy3SBJ8E_9BejQwCLcBGAs/s1600/Goblin%2BSlayer.jpg

sushie @sushie
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Hii all~
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site! Make friends and hopefully if there's more then go for it xD

rinse @rinse
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Hii all~
rinse @rinse
welcome jayashar

woof-chan @notyourbitch
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Hii all~
woof-chan @notyourbitch
hello, im new, I need friends so you can talk to me. (=゜ω゜)
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