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looking for a relationship vs chilling

Actively seek a relationship, or chill until you "meet the right person"? What do y'all the better approach?
It's like an in-between? I'm pretty active, maybe not to the best of my ability, but I have very little fucks to give, so it doesn't feel very active.
I personally prefer a relationship myself but I'm not against chilling but I'd rather do it with a friend, someone I can trust and is cool with it. One night stands ain't my thing.
I want it to be the latter, but honestly the few relationships I've been in have been sudden confession type things. I really want to break out of that habit and get to know who I'm committing myself to before accepting any advances.
I’m looking so far I’ve always just fell into relationships. Whenever I found out a girl said she was interesting I’d just go on a date with them and see how it went from there but never activity seeked out someone who I feel I’d have more in common with then just taking in intrest in them and not what we would both enjoy
Looking. Simple as that.
A bit of both, I try to be social in order to hopefully meet "the right person." But no, I'm not just trying to date everyone I talk to here.
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Chillin', until loneliness, boredom and depression both kick in. Seeking relationship until I noticed a red flag or two in someone or let them be busy with their duties. Other than romance, I also seek special friends that become "siblings". But some consider that as silly or foolish.
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