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BatFamily @justiceanime
Yo what's up
BatFamily @justiceanime
Hi everyone just joined up here, Well besides anime I love Batman shows plz tell me your favorite Batman shows and anime k. Anyway I'm on here to make some friend's and just well have fun let's get along

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Wow, quite an interesting name. I thought you would've gone for Batman Inc. instead of BatFamily. But I totally dig the whole Batman thing. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series in the 90s. I've always been a fan, then I learned a shit ton of stuff from the comics. Jason Todd was quite the interesting fellow in the Bat Family. Also, personally my favorite Robin has to be Tim Drake.
I kind of wish that they hadn't killed off Damien Wayne (Batman's son). I hope he comes back, or if he already did, that'd be awesome. Also the best pairing w/ Batman would have to be Batman and Catwoman. There was one version where they did hook up and had some kids, but I don't remember what happened in that version.
Oh right... this is an introduction thread, not a Batman one.
Well, I'm sure Enki and others will warn you about the thirsty dudes on the site. Also the perves and whatnot too, so I will focus more on my usual tirade.
Looking for friends and/or lovers on the site will be quite the challenge, but surprisingly someone I know did that pretty quickly upon joining, so who knows. Maybe it won't be too hard for you, especially since you're a chick, or at least that's what you want us to believe. Also if you want to meet people more you should take a look at my 4 page thesis on treez_ wall. He's also looking for buds, so maybe hit him up?
Also, I'd recommend you check out sushie, Lamby, Chocopyro and most of the members who participate on the "Last one who post here wins" thread, or people who post on the thread in general. They're pretty swell people... *cough cough* generally *cough cough*
Yep... that's about it. Also I seem to have become known for my long posts and replies, so if you ever need someone to type up your 10 page essay, I can volunteer myself for 100USD a page.
Anyhow, welcome and good luck.... *cough cough* for what it's worth *cough cough*

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac

BatFamily @justiceanime
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BatFamily @justiceanime
Neverland: Hey man and that's really awesome that you are a fan also! Haha generally huh well thanks lol
CAC: Thank you

sushie @sushie
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sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site enjoy your stay!

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome to the website.
I notice roleplayers of specific anime won't stay on this website for a long time...

dragonboots_dragneel @dragonboots_dragneel
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dragonboots_dragneel @dragonboots_dragneel
Batman yes! Tell me you’ve read death of the family and court of owls!? Snyder is such a beast writer! The interaction between characters and pacing is spot on. If you want to see what a Batman comic should be read those.

BatFamily @justiceanime
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BatFamily @justiceanime
Sushie: Hey thanks man
ComradeEnki: Really? Thanks for the welcome
Dragonboots_Dragneel: Oh hack yeah I have! Oh man I know right, well that is true^^ Anyway thanks for the welcome man https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111128283/5710501-9369245349-1ee37.gif

Young Justice @youngjustice
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Young Justice @youngjustice
Hii welcome to the site! Well my favorite Batman movie is Batman under the red hood

ahoge @ahogealewd
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ahoge @ahogealewd
Hiya, a very late welcome MaiOtaku. I haven't seen much Batman, I can only say my favourite film he features in is Suicide Squad. My favourite anime is easy though, that'd be Soul Eater on top, though I do have other favourites. You're in the right place to do just that.
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