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How do you feel about being much older and single?

Eh. Excuse the occultism, but it's a world view I have yet to disprove using science. (And science hasn't exactly discredited my occultist beliefs as of yet, nor vice versa.) But as usual, take with a grain of salt. You heard it on the internet. Anyways, in my case, I knew since about 19 that my ascendant sign, was capricorn. And Capricorn Ascendants always find love late in life. (Like around 32-35 to be more specific.) I certainly didn't want to accept that at the time, but as I've grown, I've accepted reality. I feel much more prepared for relationships. It was never flat out rejection for me, but mere coincidences, missed opportunities, and lessons now learned that have led to me remaining single for as long as I have. Sure, I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't get to experience young love as much as I wanted to, but I still have the rest of my middle age to sort it out before getting old.
didnt think youd be into the whole horoscope thing :P
I feel as I get older I have more of a chance to be successful when I'm single.
I feel like being single and older gives me a chance to know what I want in my life as it sucks being single but after all the relationships that I've had I feel like it's better to wait for that person to come my way then expect that person to be like everybody else who wants not the same things that I want but what they want in their life. I don't want someone that's going to try to be something that they're not and try to be that person that I want in my life as all I want is to have that person be themselves and not over do it just to make me happy..... Seriously it breaks my heart to know that there are people like that and right now that I am almost 24 years old I am thankful that I have my family and I have the will to keep on moving forward.
The older you get, the less you care about your marital status. At least in my case.
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