Uh Hi Intro time

whatevergirl200 @whatevergirl200
Uh Hi Intro time
whatevergirl200 @whatevergirl200
Hey, I've just joined this site, um, shoot me a request and maybe chat a while, i'm open to all kind of interests, so lets see if we have something in common and maybe even make some friends, thanks

CAC @cac
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
CAC @cac
Welcome to the site.
Feel free to message me as well.

Lishifu @hakutaku
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
Lishifu @hakutaku
Welcome to the website! *scares creeps away

Darius Nack @otakueaterd
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
Darius Nack @otakueaterd

Caramel Coffee @caramelcoffee
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
Caramel Coffee @caramelcoffee
Heyo! Welcome aboard!

sushie @sushie
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
sushie @sushie
Welcome to the site and enjoy making friends!

Neverland @dakoya
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
Neverland @dakoya
Odd... .... O.o... where are all the thirsty lads? Usually whenever a *female* posts an introduction on the welcome thread, it'd be flooded w/ many thirsty guys. I wonder what's wrong. Maybe they're all down w/ the flu. It "IS" that time of year. I guess it might be a good or bad thing then.
Anyhow, I'm just another passerby, welcoming you to the site.
Idk if you lucked out or not, but at least your wall has some "dudes" biting the bait that is called "a girl".
Enjoy your time on this site. I only expect to see you for 3 days to a week before you go on hiatus or deactivate your account. For the time that you're active, I hope to see you around.
Also, it's nice to meet another person who enjoys Webtoons.
Good luck! (화이팅! )

ahoge @ahogealewd
commented on
Uh Hi Intro time
ahoge @ahogealewd
Heya, a late welcome to MaiOtaku, I'll be sure to do that and you're in the right place for friends.
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