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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona

Nov 05, 18 at 3:03pm
Drunk men can use knives against you! but they can also use any other heavy object or sharp objects! The misuse of knives is minimal and definitely not mass murder related.. all i said was you comparing guns to knives is like comparing nuclear weapons to guns! All can be misused, but there is a limit where u see the misuse/risk vs profit.
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Oh I know Laughing, I just made the drunk knife comment as a joke more than anything. Of course guns are more deadly than knives. That was the whole point of their creation XD.
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I guess I should set some really ignorant things straight when it comes to guns because this forum is hardly the only ignorant topic on the issue of guns. First off if the topic is whether to heavily restrict or ban a RIGHT (not a privilege) there better be rock solid empirical completely undeniable inarguable evidence that it is a complete benefit to revoke the right. So lets look at some facts and such. The most widely cited and used metric of gun deaths a year in America is 33,000. Two thirds of that (or around 22,000 are suicide). As much as I don't care for those being lumped in with a "gun violence" metric I'll let it stand and you'll see why shortly. Many argue that guns serve no other purpose than to kill and that isn't entirely accurate but it misses a fundamental and bigger picture but more on that later. If we are to give up a RIGHT then the amount of lives saved by guns better be less than 33,000 per year (and preferably by a whole lot). However even the most conservative (meaning fewest) of estimates puts the amount of defensive gun uses at 50,000 per year (not all of these defensive uses even requires the pulling of a trigger / lethal force applied). However, most defensive gun use studies put the amount of defensive gun uses annually at 100,000 to 2.5 MILLION. Translation: guns aren't a net negative in America with respect to "gun violence" versus "protection" and it isn't even freaking close. The purpose of guns when righted to us by the Second Amendment (technically the 2A was an affirming of a God given right but this is semantics to my point anyway) was to protect from tyranny and secure liberty from forces foreign and domestic. This gives the people the ability to defend themselves and protect their sovereignty and all of their other rights. While this function hasn't materialized much if at all it is still a fail safe against hostile government slaughter. What is even worse is just about everybody who wants to restrict or ban guns has absolutely positively without a doubt zero clue what they are talking about. They don't know how guns work or function or even basic differences. They don't even know what laws are already on the books for the most part and shout about things that are either already on the books, unconstitutional as hell, or just plain ignorant. If the people who had guns and lax gun laws were the overwhelming problem in America it would be completely and utterly obvious. The "bible belt" would be a blood bath daily but it isn't the gun controlled inner cities are. 300+ million guns and at least that much ammo ... if we (gun owners of America) were a problem you'd know it. The main takeaway to this small rant should be to become educated first. We can make all of the nonsense apples to orange comparisons to guns vs cars but that argument isn't even a material factor. People should know the history of guns and what function they serve (both functionally and ideologically) before speaking against them.
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mayhaps i am mistaken on that ^v^ i mean with the car thing, im always up for improving the safety of cars and prosecuting car manufacturers for faulty cars (cant think of a better term xD) accidents will happen regardless while gun violence is premeditated i feel like your trying to argue thqat its a slippery slope, but it really isnt xD TANKS ARE MVP
All in all you have to look at it as a cultural issue now. For Example: Japan - Gun Control, low crime rate. Commendable. Switzerland - Gun Rights, low crime rate. Commendable. In America, we're a divided nation now, on about every front. We have problems that are now more indicative of a third world country in certain areas. Our educational system is in disarray, so many different groups, and stereotypes out there. Constantly brewing chaos. The real issue is what is the culture here as a whole, and what can we do about it? How can we come together?
Plunger said all my points better than my 75% asleep mind did. Guns may be premeditated, But they stop and save more lives than they end per year. I kill Tanks. Though let's be real, we'd all be pretty lost without our White Mages.
Nov 05, 18 at 3:11pm
@paradoxicaQ makes sense.. it would actually be better if we get more statistics about which countries have gun laws and which doesnt and how much safe each of them are.
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