11yo shots grandmother in Arizona

Ed~ @yamadaed
11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Ed~ @yamadaed
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ParadoxicalQ @paradoxicalq
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
ParadoxicalQ @paradoxicalq
Mental Health should be, and the responsibilities of an adult to keep guns locked up and safe. However there are too many variables about any given situation to blame it on one single thing.

Lamby @momoichi
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Lamby @momoichi
david: every country has mental illness, not even country has mass shootings and gun violence like america
hey i didnt say it, david did
get out of here david

. @vezax
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
. @vezax
I support david's view!

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Not every country has over 300,000,000 guns inside said country. Also most gun deaths are due to suicides(over half), and gang violence. This is a horrible tragedy, and a showing that if anything, mental health should be reviewed. However, we don't consider banning hospitals every time a patient dies due to an error during procedure. And keep in mind many more people die per year in america due to this. (70k Die due to failures in procedures a a year in America. 30k due to gun deaths. 16k which are suicide.)
So no. Unless we want to think of banning everything that has a chance of death due to it's misuse by other people. Which we should be saying goodbye to cars or cellphones, if you want to statistically save more lives.

ParadoxicalQ @paradoxicalq
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
ParadoxicalQ @paradoxicalq

. @vezax
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
. @vezax
@leo If its for safety purpose then why cant stun guns/tasers or tranquilizer guns replace firearms?
That wouldnt cause those civilian incidents of toddler shooting parents and mass murders.. at the same time civilians have a method of defense against robbers, criminals and government

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
It's not only for self defense(Though this is the main use.), But also to defend oneself against a tyrannical government, Neither of those would be very useful for it. Also neither are as useful for taking an offensive force down, and last time I checked it was illegal to shoot people up with substances without a degree. And The TASER, which is the most popular "stun gun" (this is not an accurate term to describe the device) in use, has a range of about 20 feet, and with most models, one shot before the cartridge needs to be changed. Changing the cartridge takes only a few seconds, assuming (1) you have a spare, and (2) you're not occupied with doing something else at the moment, like fighting off an adversary.
Few people can resist the stun of a TASER--I'd say far less than 1%--but they don't wear t-shirts that notify cops of this. There are any number of reasons the TASER may not be effective. Both electrodes have to make contact with the skin, and thick clothing or just a miss with one or both barbs results in an ineffective deployment. The subject may be too far away. There is a technique where the subject can dive and roll at the right moment, and the momentum will tear the barbs loose. This last one doesn't always work, but it only takes once.
And when it comes to defending myself, and my family. I'd rather have the most effective option at the ready.
Guns are a tool. People will misuse tools yes, But one can say this about any tool. More people are killed by blunt objects than guns a year. I don't see people wanting to ban them either.

Whisp @whispywoods
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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Whisp @whispywoods
A country can keep its gun control law, but I doubt a country could remove it in a practical way.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
11yo shots grandmother in Arizona
Lamby @momoichi
david: cars and cellphones were not created with the singular purpose to kill human beings
damn it david i said to get out!!
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