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11yo shots grandmother in Arizona

thats why your a glass cannon! you dont stack offense >W>!!! swords werent something every person could have, they were only for people who were trained on how to use them the majority of deaths in america (not caused by heart attacks) is accidents thats why cars and such are so high up there its accidents gun violence is premeditated and thats the difference
Nov 05, 18 at 2:56pm
@leo, i am not very knowledgable about your country's statistics or about the gun environment tbh.. i said those based on my perspective. For now i will take your word for it, your arguments were satisfying enough :p
Laughingman, My dear friend, You obviously have never seen a drunk man holding a knife if you don't think they can be misused to hurt a person or themselves. Usually I'd agree, and write my own full lengthy response, But I've been awake for the past 19 hours, or so. So you'll have to forgive me for the copy paste. The fact remains is that Guns kill far fewer people than you'd imagine. You say mass murderers, but a psycho will always find a way to get his kills across(Look at the UK for examples with their Bombs, acid, ect.). Infact, the places in this country with the most gun restrictions (Gun free Zones), Have the most gun crime. So taking them away from the citizens who would actually use them for good, is in my opinion, Not a great idea.
Let's deal with the basis here. It's the United States of America, and it was founded with a constitution. The 2nd Amendment of our constitution states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The first and foremost role of people having the right to own guns in this country is to protect themselves from tyranny, or the threat thereof. Heck, I'll just let ICE T explain it better than me. https://youtu.be/5chblhYqO2I?t=23
fancy, i see the same argument being used for religion religion isnt inherited bad, its how humanity twists it for its only selfish desires and that goes for guns aswell credit where credit is due though, the death from wars has gone down thanks to guns so thats a (small) plus
@para, the constitution also permitted slavery til we changed it
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See! Lamby gets it! :3
You mean there was an Amendment that abolished slavery.
Lamby, You'd actually be surprised, Swords were the pistols of the Medieval era, Rarely ever used on the warfield unless they were specifically greatswords. Swords were cheap, and easy to carry. Hence why people think of them so much when thinking of medieval war, when in reality, Spears, and pole arms were far more in use. While yes, they are accidents, and I won't argue with that. The point is, is that even though 30k per year die to gun violence(16k being suicide.), they still don't even compare to accidents. You have to realize Mass shootings are on the lowest end, of the amount of people that end up dying due to gun violence. Whatever weapon of self defense you have, will be used to kill in crimes. We just so happen to have guns at this point in time being the best at it. So the best way to fix this, is to make sure you have one. Especially considering, and again, I shall repeat, That the most gun violence, happens in gun free zones, and areas with high gun restrictions. What can I say, I love going in fast, and killing everyone before they even notice! DPS FTW! XD
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