yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
yaasshat @yaasshat
How many times are ya gonna say you're done? I'm out....No I'm not...I'm out...No I'm not...etc. You must be hell on breaks with all of this stop and go.
Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
bunniebun @bunniebun
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bunniebun @bunniebun
yo Jesus fukin Christ ive been chillin watching this forum but i havent wanted to comment because of the absolute lack of brain some people have you can not seriously tell me that being raped is not worse than a false accusation there are men who molest and harass but dont have to register as a sex offender and there are men who plead guilty walking away with a month of jail time. i am not exaggerating when i say this people who molest children are treated with more respect in some courts than a women who is sexually active be is raped. if a man can plead guilty to molesting an eight year old on multiple accounts and only get 30 days in jail and and be defended as not a " real sex molester". yes false accusations are a bitch and those who file them should be tried for it but it in no way is comparable to rape or molestation people must live with the trauma for the rest of their lives even if its not rape it can still mess you up and give you nightmares and make you cry ten years down the line.
and if anyone wants to come at me for the 30 days thing dont-
and same for the no registering thing-
there is also another but i cant remember the link if the source ive provided does not match to what i stated i apologize and i will search for a new one
bunniebun @bunniebun
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bunniebun @bunniebun
like false accusations are terrible and my heart goes out to all affected by them but people who are raped deffinetly have it worse
Gudmoore @gudmoore
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Gudmoore @gudmoore
I think your tune would change if someone falsely accused you and you were charged on hearsay. Spend years in jail and will no longer be able to get a decent paying job to support your family.
Entire lives are affected in both cases. But you people seem to think that's fine, that no one got hurt. You really couldn't be more wrong.
This further proves my point about the right thing being hard. I come to explain the truth and get hit with so much hate simply because you wish to remain on a high horse. Don't you think I'd rather not have to deal with being called stupid, a bigot, a rape apologist, etc? Of course I don't like that, but evil triumphs when good people fail to stand up.
The road to hell is paved with good intention, and this (thinking false allegations are fine) is a prime example of that.
bunniebun @bunniebun
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bunniebun @bunniebun
i never said you were a rape apologist and i agree that falsly accusing someone is terrible but there is no way i would see them as equal i do think people who make false accusations are evil they not only hurt their intended target with possible jail time and struggle with a jib but they also hurt rape victims and make it harder for them to report they are a huge problem but definitely not as big as actual rapist that is where i stand some rapist get away with almost no jail time which is a problem and some (way way less but still far too many) get tried for a crime they didnt commit. also they whole you wouldnt feel that way if it happended to you thing is cute and i have to say you also wouldnt feel the same if you were raped so lets face it we will never know how it feels to be put in those situations but i will stand at rape is worse
Gudmoore @gudmoore
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Gudmoore @gudmoore
@bunniebun: Yeah, some rapists do get away with little to no jail time. However, very few of these cases bring DNA evidence to the table and this is the crux of the problem. Rape kit tests aren't easy (and I would support an easier way to get this DNA), but getting them done helps seal the deal when it comes to harder prosecution. I want rapists behind bars just as much as anyone else, but the victim HAS to play their part in order to make that happen. I know it's inconceivably tough to do this after becoming a rape victim, but it's something that HAS to be done to ensure the offender is put behind bars.
MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
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MioIsMyWaifu @mioismywaifu
@teacup finally, we have found common ground in the situation. We should not be looking to find solutions for JUST rape victims or JUST people who are falsely accused of rape, but we should be trying to find solutions that would benifit both sides. The goal that we are trying to achieve should be to try and minimize the amount of rape, convict those who do rape, AND minimize the amount of people who are falsely accused of rape.
"Having stricter laws for false reports would help BOTH of us." I completely agree. Increasing punishments for both rape, sexual misconduct and false accusations is a really good step in the right direction, as people would be more deterred from committing these crimes. Allowing more people who have been sexually assulted to speak on campuses/in high schools could allow more people to feel more comfortable with coming forward. Increasing surveillance in public areas/on streets/even in more private areas could help with gathering evidence for rape victims. Increasing awareness on the issues, etc... There's probably a lot that can be done, that currently isnt being done, that would help out both sides. However, I dont think that blindly accepting every rape allegation as true is the answer because, while it tramendously helps out one side of the argument, it makes it significantly easier for people to get away with false allegations.
bunniebun @bunniebun
commented on
bunniebun @bunniebun
@Gudmoore youre right we do need a better way to collect evidence one that doesnt harm the victim more also i do understand that cases with less evidence are more likely to get less jail time but the sorces i provided only talked about cases in which the abuser confesses to the crime while i also understand that not all cases are equal and that if it where held in a different court room the outcome could change dramatically i do think that outlier cases are still important to discuss also thank you for communicating with me in a mature way i was not too mature when i first commented but i still stand by it rape is a very hard subject especially for those how have been raped molested or harassed in the past so i couldn't help but comment in a way that seemed angry at you im more angry towards the other dude who said that if your rapist rapes someone else its your fault and the actual rapists
Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
Gudmoore @gudmoore
It's fine bunnie. It's a sensitive topic, tempers are bound to flare on both sides of the issue. No hard feelings. Sorry if I came off harsh in my statements as well.
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