Getting old

Arc @arc
Getting old
Arc @arc
I'm turning 30 this year. I know that isn't considered old for a lot of people, but I feel like it is for me.
In my early 20s i was all about that booty. Still am, but not as much anymore. I feel like it's a sign you are getting old when you get invested in the stock market. Now I give millionaires advice on stocks. Still a hardcore anime fan, though.
Do you guys ever think about what you will be like when you get old? What if you turn into someone you wouldn't even recognize today?

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Getting old
Aerone @aerone
I'm 26 now and I hardly ever feel like going out and socializing anymore. The idea of partying doesn't interest me at all. I feel like an old grump that yells at people to get off the lawn and to stop littering. xD
I've always wondered what kind of person I'd be if I had made different decisions when I was younger...or if things turned out differently.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Getting old
Aka-san @redhawk
Same as Fatalis

sadjester @sadjester
commented on
Getting old
sadjester @sadjester
I was born as an old person, so I've always been like that!
Never went to parties, never really socialized etc. XD
To be honest, I think I'm actually becoming younger, because I'm not so grumpy anymore and I'm actually smiling more.
It's true. I'm willing to laugh at myself now, and I don't take everything too seriously.
Maybe I'm a Benjamin Button?

peakcoma08 @peakcoma08
commented on
Getting old
peakcoma08 @peakcoma08
I think I am with sadjester on this one. When I was younger I hated kids my age and would go to the neighbors house to hang out with their mom not their kids. XD
I grew up the "smart mature" one. And now I'm much less angry. About the same grumpy. And will actually say and do silly things with people I like for the sake of laughter and having a good time. X]

CAC @cac
commented on
Getting old
CAC @cac
I'm already an old grump, well I feel like it anyways. The difference is that I wish I wasn't.

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Getting old
Aerone @aerone
I'll always be a grump. Maybe my username should have been Grumples.

PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
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Getting old
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup
This account has been suspended.

ohnoes @ohnoes
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Getting old
ohnoes @ohnoes
You...Uhhh.. You tellin' me I'm old? ;P
I'm thirty five, recently married (just over a year ago.) and a new father(almost three months ago). I was never about dat booty and my only issue is still wondering what I'll be when I grow up. Life is scary and in my opinion, it'd be even scarier alone. I have nothing grand to show of myself, except for my child and I often wonder where I'd be had I not wasted so much time when younger. But, you know what? If not for my mistakes and winnings of the past, I'd not have what I do now, however meager by modern standards.
I'm not a grump, per-say, but my depression over the years has certainly molded me into an introverted individual who silently watches and learns from the rest of the world and as such, I'm often seen as a grump. On that note, I count my self so very lucky to have found a woman just as socially retarded XD and even more loving than I could've hoped for. My only real question is: Why does she love me so and thinks I deserve it? To that I say, that's not a bad problem to have at all.
I will be honest, I've seen more and more of my dad coming thru as of late, and that I do not want in the least.

Aerone @aerone
commented on
Getting old
Aerone @aerone
Aww. Tea I'd do stuff with you, but I don't live there. xD
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