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Anonymous confessions!

Aug 14, 18 at 7:22am
^then why do girls wear expensive attractive shoes/sandals? :O
Aug 14, 18 at 7:28am
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What is with the rise in weird feet creeps? or the one posting excessively? Can't you be normal and just like feet, why you gotta be odd .-.
Aug 14, 18 at 7:49am
@1549: I don't even know what that means. @1557: :( @1558: Yeah I agree, I don't understand the deactivating thing.
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Aug 14, 18 at 9:19am
This account has been suspended.
I'm bored, naked, dripping wet, and swinging a longsword while playing oldschool dungeons and dragons video games. (Dark sun II: Wake of the Ravenger.) Gawd, I wish I had my meds.
Aug 14, 18 at 10:04am
That confession should of been anonymous...
Don't be an idiot, be thankful that it didn't blow your head off. @1556 "Lolita is a fashion subculture from Japan that is highly influenced by Victorian and Edwardian children's clothing and styles from the Rococo period. A very distinctive property of Lolita fashion is the aesthetic of cuteness." Wow, I never mentioned that so I'm kind of surprised that you figured out that I didn't really like that type of fashion despite being under the incorrect impression that I would masturbate to any form of fashion but aside from that I give you props that you figured it out I'm not into that. Of course if you meant something else then you must be feeling pretty silly right now that you actually referred to a different thing rather then making a spelling error and not spelling anything in particular instead of actually spelling something completely different. @1559 The fact that you not only saved the conversation but saved the link to that makes me think that you're the one who's actually using that for sexual purposes *precedes to get creeped out* @1561 You're very welcome and aren't you glad that you don't even know how creepy I can really be? @1564 Sorry but that's not going to happen or rather that can't happen because it didn't happen. I live right next to an Asian store that sells mochi on top of the fact that there's the internet so I can always send as much Mochi as I want period on top of that despite every time that I try to put myself down for my size she would never let me and would always corrects me when I would say she's had better( I will leave that last part open ended since I'm speaking on her behalf with that, I can promise you though then she would have hit me there any number of times when she was angry if she wanted to do yet she didn't, sorry, I may call myself micro but honestly I have a pornstar duck as well so I'm sorry to ruin your whole argument ♡~)
Muffin needs a robot body with laser cannons in her feet so when people ask to see them they get exterminated
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