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Long Destance?

. @pk_zero commented on Long Destance?
Sep 04, 18 at 12:10pm
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Sep 04, 18 at 12:15pm
LDR is pretty much same as normal relationship in my opinion only problem being not able to see and touch eachother irl but will work out just as good as any other relationship if you put time and effort in it
. @pk_zero commented on Long Destance?
Sep 04, 18 at 12:28pm
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Sep 05, 18 at 9:32am
If you're dedicated enough and don't mind primarily communicating through social media and phone, then they can. A long term goal does need to be setup where eventually one party or the other will plan on moving where the other person currently is, and trips to see one another (even a couple times a year) need to happen to keep things in-check and make sure there are still feelings there for each other. Infatuation online is A LOT different than IRL interactions with one another, and it's not an uncommon thing to fall head over heels with someone through text messages only to eventually meet up IRL and they're not what the person was necessarily expecting. I've ready plenty of LDR dating stories over the years where the two people meet up for the first time after months (or years) of communicating online only for it to abruptly end because one party got turned off by the other or they weren't what they were expecting. And then there's the ever present potential of finding an IRL relationship where one party is currently living. I see this especially amongst a lot of the college crowd. They'll have a LDR going where they're seeing someone who lives several states away only to meet someone locally and eventually end the LDR. That is something you have to keep in mind especially if you're still months or years away from moving to be with your LDR partner and you have to be understanding of that being a possibility on both sides.
. @pk_zero commented on Long Destance?
Sep 06, 18 at 2:08am
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Sep 06, 18 at 2:16am
All (international/domestic) LDRs I have witnessed(my acquaintances') are successful(who knows what their futures will be~). Both parties should be sure that another party is their best match! One party has to sacrifice something too. One acquaintance of mine left her parents and moved to a strange country for her husband. An international acquaintance of mine moved to China for his wife.
. @pk_zero commented on Long Destance?
Sep 06, 18 at 2:49am
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Sep 07, 18 at 6:29am
I don't personally like long distance relationships. They aren't for me.
I tried LDR once, but we were both stupid teens at the time, so...need I say more?
Sep 09, 18 at 6:20pm
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