Missed hints

Ed~ @yamadaed
Missed hints
Ed~ @yamadaed
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
Oh the stories i could tell... Here's one:
Picture being alone with a girl, in her folks basement while the folks arent there, after a date, watching Netflix while the both of you are playing truth or dare (and have both dared the other to get naked already) AND you are giving this girl a massage...and then you go home. I dont even remember what made me decide on it. But damn do I feel stupid. Thanks for making me remember (:
EDIT: btw, its not like she asked me to leave or even seemed in a rush. I chose to go. And do not have any clue why anymore

BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
No seriosly, hindsight is 20/20 and I could not count on 4 hands the number of obvious chances like the aformentioned one I missed xD

115 @siruboo
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115 @siruboo
I was in bed with a girl and she rubbed he leg on my leg but I didn't do anything. Also a hot girl asked me out and I thought it was a prank and I guess she was serious.

Alfuh @alfuh
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Alfuh @alfuh
Some co-worker I was friends w/ for a while randomly sent something along the lines of
'Lol I had the craziest dream you wouldn't believe xD'
Didn't really expect anything since there were absolutely ZERO signs of flirting from either side until that point, so I was successfully baited into asking 'lol what was it?'
Afterward, I got the LONGEST message (probably 10-11 paragraphs or more...not exaggerated) describing EVERY...little...detail of a sexual dream she had involving me.
Like...the details put into every little action and moment of those paragraphs go beyond anything I'd ever type out or describe.
I took it as a big 'lol' / troll thing, since it really was completely out of the blue and that's kinda how she seemed to want to play it off as well. A good while later, after we'd both already left the job. I eventually found that she 100% wanted to make that mini-fanfic into a reality.
The obvious thing to think as an outsider-looking-in is
"Duh breh that's an obvious one, how could you not realize that?"
But the person was like...a completely innocent girl...the detail/freakiness in every line *ridiculous* which is WAY out of her character...and, most importantly, she had a boyfriend of like 3 years, and I wasn't about that -_-

Genei-jin @geneijin
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Genei-jin @geneijin
I was 13 and this was middle school. I had to take karate class because it was a form of exercise for me. There was this brown-belt girl there. At first glance, I had no feelings towards her whatsoever. As we get to spar more and more over time, she really grew on me and I fell in love with her. I had a feeling she also liked me as we would flock to each other after class. One day I proceed to ask her out but chicken out mid-sentence. That was the turning point. For some stupid reason, I still thought that I don't want to do karate even though I've been there for about a year and that my first love was there and I told my parents I had too schoolwork to keep doing karate. Before I left and after I asked her out, we went on this field trip to the dojo's founding location. It was a very beautiful and scenic location just like you would see in a romance show. We really hit it off too but I never asked her out again.

CAC @cac
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CAC @cac
I'm too slow to notice signals so if there ever were any I completely missed it.

Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
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Dat Boi [FALLEN] @yoyoitsnsfw
If I'm interested in someone I usually feel like it's mutual but I never go through with it cause I'm a pussy. lol

sadjester @sadjester
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sadjester @sadjester
Yeah, I've missed a lot of chances over the years. I wasn't really good at picking up on body language (am I even good now?).
One time after school I was playing tennis. A girl came over and sat on the stands, and then proceeded to stare at me the whole time. 0-0
She then moved and sat next to the gate. When I exited she said "Hi Sadjester!" while she also looked up and down my body. Then I mumbled a hello and pushed by her quickly.
The very next day my friend said "You know she was staring at your ass the whole time you walked away from her, right?"
No, I didn't know that. She scared me, haha.

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Ed~ @yamadaed
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