Hiya I'm new here

Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
Hiya I'm new here
Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
I'm a anime lover who like's *Action/Drama/Adventure/Comedy/Fantasy/Historical/Seinen* Also I love making people happy by helping them with problems in anyway I can, mostly otaku's and weeaboos^^ It's a pleasure to meet you all

Whisp @whispywoods
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Whisp @whispywoods
Welcome, enjoy your stay :)

Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
I hope so to thank you very much^^

Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Kraft vas Si'yah @mkraft
Welcome to MO.

senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
senpainoticemepls @senpainoticemepls

Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Funmusicorn @funmusicorn
Welcome ^^

Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
Thank you all for the welcoming^^

. @vezax
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
. @vezax
hello yoichi-chan! i love ecchi/hentai/eroge/18+ fantasy/yuri! i hope out likes match :D
~joke joke..
welcome and enjoy your stay ^^

Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Yoichi-Chan @yoichichan
Haha, I will don't worry^^

Jessie @erendel
commented on
Hiya I'm new here
Jessie @erendel
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