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Forever alone?

Jun 25, 18 at 10:43pm
I would love to be a wizard I don't mind being forever alone, I'm single by choice rn. I've had bunch of opportunities to get out this zone, but I always reject it. I like wondering the world by myself, much more fun and freedom this way.
Jun 25, 18 at 11:32pm
Welll...If I don't end up with someone I'll probably end up in an arranged marriage ( ̄  ̄|||). So not gonna be forever alone...but would rather be in comparison lol.
Jun 25, 18 at 11:38pm
arrange marriages still exist in this age?
Jun 25, 18 at 11:39pm
well to an extent, yeh. Maybe not in the states, but quite a few other countries.
Jun 26, 18 at 4:36am
Luckily, arranged marriages aren't common in my country any more. But we have arranged blind dates.見合い. One reason why I left my hometown is that I intend to avoid embarrassing blind dates.Hella tall and rebellious Yangzhou woman Enki is absolutely undesirable in the local market of marriage.I foresaw my "miserable" future lol.
exactly how tall are you?do guys still not like tall women at this age?
I'm probably already there. It's kinda crushing my soul with each passing day. I've never had a girlfriend and at this point I probably never will...
Yes~ And no... I cant accept bieng alone. I dont like it and it hurts. And in all honestly would rather die than live alone forever. I dont live to just work for society. I love for love and to share my life with someone. If i cant have that... I dont find life worth living..
CAC @cac commented on Forever alone?
Jun 26, 18 at 7:30am
Yeah I agree, after being with someone for a long time I find it very hard being alone again. I'm trying to accept that I'll die alone....but I really don't want that to be the case.
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