should you bring a present on a first date?

Ed~ @yamadaed
should you bring a present on a first date?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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should you bring a present on a first date?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
It all depends on the person honestly. I would recommend something small and not too extravagant. It would help to know what sort of things they like beforehand. Try not to be too flashy with it either.
Personally i would bring something with me as a gift. Better safe than sorry, you dont just wanna show up empty handed. But make sure when you give it to them its at the right moment. Not like "hey nice to see you here is a bouquet of flowers" gotta play it off and hand it to her at the right moment

HausCloud @pippy
commented on
should you bring a present on a first date?
HausCloud @pippy
I wouldn't unless I knew it was something my date would absolute love. They would be talking about how it's so awesome and great .. then I can be like Oh really? I suppose you'd enjoy something like.. THIS. If they don't, well rip. It's staying in my back pocket.

shieksdee @shieksdee
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should you bring a present on a first date?
shieksdee @shieksdee
I'm fine with not being gifted on a first date. I'm not much into gifts like they're fine, but often times guys will literally throw expensive gifts out to "impress" me but all that does is make me think they're very materialistic-minded, which is a huge turn off. Hand made gifts are usually my fave: Like maybe a drawing of something I really like (the quality never matters to me). Hand made gifts make me think this person actually sat down and, while thinking of me, put effort into something. So I guess I rather something more like that.
I don't know if I'm in the majority of girls though so don't bank on what I said for all other girls. XD I'm usually......not much like them I'm told. ^^;;

ohnoes @ohnoes
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should you bring a present on a first date?
ohnoes @ohnoes
Depends. Do you know her or is this a first meet up kind if thing? I mean, unless you know her, it's kind if hard to gauge how she's going to feel about it or for that matter, what she likes. Safe bet is, just enjoy the date and be a gentleman.

Ed~ @yamadaed
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should you bring a present on a first date?
Ed~ @yamadaed
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Baka @reinhardt76
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should you bring a present on a first date?
Baka @reinhardt76
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shieksdee @shieksdee
commented on
should you bring a present on a first date?
shieksdee @shieksdee
Let's just hope she likes chocolate. > o>

Lishifu @hakutaku
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should you bring a present on a first date?
Lishifu @hakutaku

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
should you bring a present on a first date?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
^ 10/10 enki approve of bringing snacks
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