Ohayocon 2018

Chocopyro @chocopyro
Ohayocon 2018
Chocopyro @chocopyro
While I realize that active people on this site from Ohio are few and far between and those of us who do actively dwell here may or may not be attending Ohayocon, I find it strange that a con this popular received no mention this year. So, I guess I will see you nerds there. Just look for the random ranger guy walking around in stealth mode, or asking for quests from random people. Join my party, and witness how I can make your convention experience more interesting for an hour or two. I hope that those of you who are attending have a great time, and don't catch the flu.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
Chocopyro @chocopyro
It's all over, and while I realize nobody who frequents this website was probably anywhere near the con (Save for Shinu, as he lives in Ohio), but to avoid derailing the "My Sexy Pics" thread and just let other people have the spotlight for a while, I shall post the results of my questing.
Thanks for giving me quests, everyone. Here's everything I completed in my quest log by the end of the con.
Completed quests:
>Get pics of me taken.
-A photographer approached me shortly after acquiring a badge, wanting to take pictures of me. I complied. (These were the day one pics that I just uploaded today.)
>Figured out why my amulet of trap finding kept going off.
-The quest was given to me by myself as a way to start things off. Essentially I had to (In character) figure out what was setting off my amulet of trap finding.
-After passing a trio of Astolfo cosplayers a few times, I began to suspect that something was up. But they insisted the amulet was perhaps broken.
-A friend later suggested to me that perhaps it was not a mechanism, but a person.
-Tracked down an Astalfo again. I learned that the term "Trap" has a second meaning.
>Found "Da Wei"
-Was given the quest by a Ugandan Knuckles
-Decided to start by finding a wizard that was high enough level to open a portal there.
-Found a Gandolf cosplayer who told me I needed to first acquire Ebola. When asking for a place to start, he pointed me to a blood drive happening in the back of the dealer's room.
-Found an entity known as "Da Queen" who pointed me to a Chinese restaurant called "The Wei". Apparently the queen is a bypass if you have no Ebola.
>Escorted a woman to her friends.
-After a girl who played D&D approached me suspecting that I was a D&D character, I decided to ask her for a quest. She was looking for her friends.
-We went off to a wall where she pulled a strange device and called them.
-Met her D&D playing friends, partied up with them for an hour, then continued my questing.
>Escorted a warlock to his friends.
-Not long after, I met another OC (A warlock) and his friend who were also looking for their friends.
-They invited me into their party. We found their friends, and I was given a reward of two mario coins.
>Hugged 10 random strangers
-A group of girls sitting at a table called out to me to take my picture. Upon answering what I was, and asking for a quest, I was given the quest to hug 10 random strangers.
-I hugged all 5 of them, then a random bystander guy, then went into the flow of human traffic with arms outstretched to hug any others. All confused, but accepting guys.
>Hugged 3 gorgeous women
-Someone gave me this quest and filmed me doing it. There is footage somewhere on the internet. Too lazy to find it.
>Got 5 princesses to tell me "Your princess is in another castle" without telling them to say that.
-A random passerby asked me to complete this quest. It was surprisingly not as hard to complete as I thought it would be, as I simply had to approach 5 princess cosplays and roll a bluff check to tell them "I am a ranger of the nation of Falamore and I am on a quest to find the missing princess. Are you perhaps the princess I seek?"
-5 out of 7 princesses replied with the meme.
>Acquired Bubble Tea for a con security guard at the prop check table.
-A friend of mine was working security and was placed at a prop check table where he couldn't move. He gave me a quest to acquire bubble tea from a nearby stand.
-Just as I accepted, a group of homestuck trolls approached and asked for directions to con ops. So I did that quest first and promised to acquire the bubble tea upon my return. (See quest that below)
-As I returned, I acquired my friend's credit card.
-I went around the corner to purchase his order.
-Upon returning, I was given a secondary quest to acquire a straw. After backtracking and returning with said item, I decided "No more fetch quests." (I only do them for convention staff members, actually, so on sunday I decided to break my vow.)
>Escorted a pack of trolls to Con Ops.
-A group of homestuck trolls approached the security prop check desk just as I was jotting the bubble tea quest in my log.
-As they tried to give directions (Something Cole is bad at), I offered to take that quest on as well.
-We ventured across far lands, ascended towering escalators, waded through a sea of deadpool cosplayers, and arrived out our destination.
>Get interviewed by this 8bit brody
-I will likely appear in part 2 of his ohayocon video.
>Found treasure by the elevator on the third floor. (It was a glow stick)
-After reading my quest log explainging who I was and what I do, a girl told me I could find treasure on the third floor elavader.
-I ventured there and acquired a glowstick from the floor.
>Looted a dragon & Acquired a trophy from a dinosaur. (I kinda combined these two from two different quest givers.)
-I had two separate quests from my HVZ friend Chris, and a convention friend I made last year. Acquire a trophy from a dinosaur, and acquire a dragon's horde.
-I combined the two since my character couldn't distinguish from dragons and dinosaurs.
-I found a Quetzalcoatl cosplayer (from Ms. Kobayashi's dragon maid) whom I had talked too on and off through out the con, and told her of my quest. She gave me three pennies from her horde.
>Joined in a game of "Cards against humanity."
-After bantering with one of my friends (Cosplaying as a whiterun guard), I was given a quest to join a cards against humanity game that he had just left. Nuff said.
>Best Bishojo Link in a duel. (Sort of.)
-I was talking to a female link cosplayer and her friends. They gave me a quest to duel her since we both had weapons.
-In order not to alarm nearby security, I didn't take it seriously, so I just waved my weapon infront of me with my eye closed to give the impression that I was infact a lower level character than I actually am.
>Try a puzzle app game.
-A group of app developers in the game room got me to sit down and try out their new app. Coundn't quite figure out what I was doing, so I decided to quest for someone who could.
>Dance with the dancing girls in the hallway.
-Was given a quest by a person who read my quest journal to go to a group of dancers in the hall and join in.
-They had stopped dancing by the time I arrived, so I showed them the quest I got and encouraged them to dance with me anyways.
>Acquired an animal companion.
-My brother was fined just before the con, so asked me to get a deer plush that he wanted.
-I acquired it. (It's the one I'm holding in the pics of me taken on Day 3)
>Have a picture taken of myself.
-A photographer wanted to take some pictures of me again. I complied again.
>Walk from one end of the con to the other without spotting any undertale cosplays.
-Another friend from security gave me this quest.
-I just put my cloak over my eyes so that all I saw were feet. Then walked to the front of the convention center and back.
>Acquire pink lemonade and a fill a plastic cup of water for Gaming staff members.
-A group of gaming staff members in the tabletop room realized that I was serious about accepting quests, then asked me to acquire a water and refill a pink lemonade from an icecream place in the food court.
>Approach a Daenerys cosplayer and do a Jorah Mormont impression.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeOIh8QDGhg
Failed Quests:
>Find a man with an exclamation mark on his head at the bottom of the large escalators.
-I suspect this was a troll quest.
>Find a lost cloak. (Another adventurer found it.)
-A staff member gave me a quest to find her cloak.
-Another adventurer found it before I did.
>Find a missing hotel key and return it to the hotel.
-A woman gave me the quest rather late on a Sunday as sort of a "Keep your eyes out for it" type of thing. Didn't find anything.
Carry over quests: (Since they were good ideas, but were given too late for me to do on Sunday. Perhaps for Collosalcon, perhaps.)
>Recruit a mage, a healer, a tank or rogue, and an animal companion, to join the party for the duration of at least two quests.
>Infiltrate a photoshoot and try to convince the people there that you are a character from that anime.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
That's a lot! The last paragraph reminded me of miitopia.

shinu @shinu
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
shinu @shinu
Yeah I've never been to a con before, but I feel like I should try attending one sometime soon. Not like months soon but like maybe within a year or a little later.

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
I would love to go to blizzcon someday.

Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
Lunar Lone Wolf @kameiya

MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
MidastheAlchemist @jtibbs
Its an annual convention held in California by the game developer Blizzard. The people behind Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and The Lost Vikings.

Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Found the interview. I was trying to sing the song "North Warden Pigs" from a very obscure game called Betrayal at Krondor. (I'm actually highly impressed he knew what it was from!) Though since I'm a Ranger and not a Bard, I botched it pretty badly. ^__^;
It's at 2:14

pineapplestar @pineapplestar
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
pineapplestar @pineapplestar
I was totes looking for someone to go to Ohayocon this year but I didn't think to check this site. I didn't go because my usagi heart died of loneliness last year. This convention doesn't seem to be publicized at all.

kayacherry @kayacherry
commented on
Ohayocon 2018
kayacherry @kayacherry
I went to Ohayocon last year, didn't go this year but gad you had fun :)
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