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Are all relationships good ones?

I know I'm going to get trouble for this but I don't care because the fact that there are some type of relationships that are not good at all. Say for example the relationship in the beginning is good and you know that your partner is kind to you but then when you go into honeymoon mode you start to black out and now realize what you're doing and what you're saying that makes you feel like a reliability. Everything that your partner does would either make you feel like you have no control over what you do or what you say as they control what goes on in the relationship itself. So basically in retrospect if you are in a relationship like that then you could understand where I'm coming from with this as relationships have gone on for a long time and I just feel tired of having to close my mouth when it comes down to it. Some people love those type of relationships where they're either being abused or getting verbally abused and then those are those people who are not wanting to admit that this is going on in the relationship and then finally those people who are going through that type of relationship but are scared to say anything to anyone. They would sacrifice friendships and even sacrifice their own happiness for one person. What do you guys think?
no not all relationships are good. thats why the term toxic relationship exists. just because someone strives to make one work does not mean its going to get better.
NO. They are most certainly not all good. I mean would you choose to remain single and just do your own thing or would you rather be together with someone who's extremely toxic, controlling, manipulative and nasty? I mean if anyone chooses the latter then there's something wrong with them and sadly many, many people do.
Hell no they aren't all good, for the reasons already stated by the people above. I've personally been in some toxic relationships and it's kinda crazy, you get to the point where you really don't understand how much better off you are without said toxic person in your life until the relationship ends and you're completely over them. I was definitely all mopey over some of my exes for a bit while my friends were just baffled as to how I even tolerated them and then later on I felt the same. :u I kinda disagree with InfernalMonsoon on the "if anyone chooses the latter then there's something wrong with them" part though. I mean emotional and mental investment in a person really can just hold someone prisoner, trying to keep a relationship afloat that any outsider could see as toxic and doomed to fail. You never really thought of pursuing anything with anyone else so why not try making things work with the person you HAVE been working on all of this time? It's easy to fall into that trap of just trying to preserve that idea you got in your head that this person was the 'one' or whatever, that all relationships have their ups and downs (which is true) and you're just in a...rough patch for now and things will become better than before if you just bear with it. So I can't really blame the people who stick with those types of things. Love really is just really dumb and unconditional, there's no logic to it at all.
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all relationships are learning experiences, but i guess that doesnt make them good
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