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Ok girls <3 Pretend you want a boyfriend, ask me some questions to see if we are compatible <3

I try not to judge, but this thread made it difficult not to.
Nothing was really proven though, he just stopped responding to the thread. For all we know he did meet someone named jessica.
Well Kameiya showed me the original pics he supposedly had taken, and they are of different men. He cropped someone else's face onto them.
Yea but she only had 2 of them and said they looked like nathan bateman. Not to mention we no longer have the picture of him holding a piece of paper declaring he was brendan from MO. Not saying anyones wrong, just that we didn't prove anything.
I think the OP is the real deal. He just happens to have a god-tier jawline, which is pretty darn rare when it comes down to it.
Meh if he was real then he would still be here to prove it.
Assuming he cared enough, not like he had a reason to prove anything to us. :P How many people here was he actively talking with?
If you had doubt, you had no reason to apologize when you first called "him" out... Humans are silly creatures.
Yea, but i never apologized because the only thing i said was that one of the pictures looked off since the guy in the center looked flat. Which I stand by. He looked plastered to the cushion. I'm not necessarily on his side, i found it weird that a guy whose thirty and lives in new york doesn't know what a timestamp is. His behavior was weird and lack of knowledge on stuff for his age is what stuck out to me. You guys were the ones to dog on him for the photos. I'd like to make a point that i'm not saying you guys are wrong, but it was hard to tell with the pictures he posted, and we only have 2 that kameiya posted on page 22, and their familiarity to Nathan Bateman.
I just way to mention I wanted to expose him in the first place, but Charles and Kameiya both told me to play it off. Pretend to be his friend. Plus they said for me to learn from him about fighting. *pukes a little inside*
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