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Ok girls <3 Pretend you want a boyfriend, ask me some questions to see if we are compatible <3

Dat Boi [FALLEN] chorles rammed his chorizo up my ass and didnt say no homo https://media.giphy.com/media/maIEBUU5OmrMA/giphy.gif
O.O so basically dat boi was kind a a victim? *pats fallen* Charles is a bit odd, but he seems like a nice guy like all of y'all.
Yep. Now you know the story. Napalm and I just backed him up since he was our DERP minority token.
"And Snake is into very crazy women" http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/506/manofculture.JPG
Lol. Since everyone is pretty crazy anyways might as well love them.
Very derailed. It became very tempting to get off topic now with how things ended up so we're just having fun.
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