Manga suggestions

anarqe @anarqe
Manga suggestions
anarqe @anarqe
I just finished Himouto Umaru chan and am looking for something new to read. Recently finished reading Terraformars and Akagi as well as finished watching Made in Abyss.

Magnolia @cerealia
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Manga suggestions
Magnolia @cerealia
Grand Blue.

Mako @spiral_jin
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Manga suggestions
Mako @spiral_jin
What Genres in particular do you like?

正義の味方 @gundamu
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Manga suggestions
正義の味方 @gundamu
What Cerealia said x1000 pretty much, Grand Blue is great.

Lishifu @hakutaku
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Manga suggestions
Lishifu @hakutaku
Yugami-Kun Ni Wa Tomodachi Ga Inai

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
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Manga suggestions
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Read the Tokyo Ghoul manga. It is so much better than the anime and it clears up some confusing details that should have been in the show. It is a bit gory, so it isn't for everyone, but the tragic story is what I find to be personally attractive about the series, as it constantly forces the reader to read more to answer the three main questions of, 'will the main character survive?' 'what will happen to him next?' 'how will this affect him?' and various other questions. Plus, the second series, Tokyo Ghoul:re, has a bit more humor that makes a nice addition to make the dark world of the series a little more light-hearted.
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