Staying In Character

robinhood @robinhood
Staying In Character
robinhood @robinhood
How would you describe you're behavior around others in real life?

clivethebarker @clivethebarker
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Staying In Character
clivethebarker @clivethebarker
I am behavior? You mean around strangers? Well, to the untrained eye it probably appears like a placid lake on a quiet spring morning, where the dew glitters softly in the sunlight and birds greet the world by merrily chirping their little love songs, but under the surface, in the dark depths of the rugged underwater-landscape, an apocalyptic, all-consuming tempest rages that has only one desire, to finally break free and crush everything in its path. So, basically I'm always on the verge of going bonkers.

the_darknelson @the_darknelson
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Staying In Character
the_darknelson @the_darknelson
"He who snipes snipers, runs the risk of becoming a sniper himself. If you gaze into the scope, the scope gazes back" sword art online save me i was onced owed money but i dont owwo lol nuzzels "Death is not friendly. It's dark, black where you look at it. You're all ALONE

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Staying In Character
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Loud, perhaps the the point of obnoxious and always poking fun at them. But I like think I'm oddly endearing and kind since I tease my friends because I care about them so much :D

saeko @gotchicho
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Staying In Character
saeko @gotchicho
Stoic and honest

kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
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Staying In Character
kuroshiro_2573 @kuroshiro_2573
Quiet, judging, honest, always internally screaming at people, etc. I don't like people very much.

o l i @olivercrusher
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Staying In Character
o l i @olivercrusher
normally anti-social. if the people come up to me and try to start conversation i try to ignore them unless they bring up something i enjoy
otherwise, im quiet, think badly of others, judge others, lying 24/7, always wanting to go home.

Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl
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Staying In Character
Neko Genos✨Saiyan^w^♡ @huntergirl
For me nyaa happy to meet new friends and ply with them and talk about anything we both like nyaa, that's what I am in IRL nyaa.^^

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Staying In Character
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I collect personas. I have lots.

natsu_123 @natsu_23767
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Staying In Character
natsu_123 @natsu_23767
It depends on whom I am with in which how comfortable I am with them at that moment, but in general I am quiet and somewhat reserved. People normally mistake my quiet personality as being shy, haha, but I’m not (I’m taking my sweet time analyzing people’s personaltiy traits). Anyway, I’m pretty chill and kind as long as their is a sense of mutual respect present.
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