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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
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Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
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Vlad (ブラド) @vladthe5th
Just casually talk to her, get to know her on a more personal level. But don't ask personal questions unless she asks you of some. Whenever I trust people enough, I'll open up, so don't give too much information, otherwise yeah, she'll get a little weirded out. I know because of friend of mine introduced himself to an acquaintance of mine this way, and shit got out of hand.
TL;Dr Version: Be cool, steady, and be yourself.
Johannes @yestotally
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Johannes @yestotally
Oh you guys don't even know the shit we ask each other in truth or dare..
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
mrdiploman @diplomatista67
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mrdiploman @diplomatista67
I've seen this thread. It's not that bad.
So, from what i'm reading i guess you're still a young dude. Stop caring about what they think she'll say. They're not her. It's okay to be shy, but don't play games with her. Text her. Just be all natural and have fun (most important). You have to act on your impulses. Ask her out on a date if you find her attractive. The worst thing she can say is 'No', so what? Move on then. But there's always a chance she likes you back and agrees and you two meeting.
Good luck!
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
If you're in the same friendship group, you should go out with them somewhere at night and just kind of walk her home afterward. Try to ensure your other friends will go different ways and just casually walk the same way she walks. This will give you a nice amount of time to talk. Maybe say you want to stop by a shop to grab a drink and buy her one too.
Note: This is actually what I just did tonight and just wanted to share it. It may have helped that the drinks we got contained vodka.
Edit: Try to get at least one friend you trust in on it and get them to bring up going out.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Chocopyro @chocopyro
Texting someone is a good way to let them know you're thinking about them while you aren't around them. But you have to do it right. Rather than go the obvious (And frankly annoying) "Hey, how are you doing?" route, make it fun. Ask them an interesting, somewhat funny question. "Say, Something has been on my mind lately, and I can't decide. But what about you? Would you rather be a ninja, or a pirate?" And depending on the answer, follow up with "Yeah, I could see that. You'd actually look really lovely dressed as a ___"
By no means should you use this example, because its not meant to be formulaic. Its meant to be personal. Meant to say you need to say something that grabs their attention, and would be fun to talk about, and perhaps admit that you think of them as attractive as well. And of course when you meet them again in real life, build onto it. Once again using the sample above, "Okay, I have your pirate outfit being made. Now I need to initiate you into my crew. Come on, the two of us are getting icecream together."
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