These sites are so pointless

ceresbane @ceresbane
These sites are so pointless
ceresbane @ceresbane
If no one has any guts to talk to anybody.

blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
commented on
These sites are so pointless
blissfullforce1818 @blissfullforce1818
This account has been suspended.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
These sites are so pointless
yaasshat @yaasshat
I'm guessing you were expecting a vending machine? There are plenty who'll talk and plenty who just lurk. Mostly, it's just the few who actually post in the forums who'll talk. Can't complain so much. I mean, it's not like you're a supporter or even pay a single cent, for that matter. Saying it like that is almost like a bullying technique or at the very least, it just means that you think people should talk to you. Don't like It? Leave. Otherwise, stick with those who are actually active and not people who only come on every few months (Which is the majority, but it is what it is.). I'm sure there are much better sites, I did meet my wife on another much more active site.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
These sites are so pointless
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Kinda surprising a complaint like this is coming from someone who hasn't posted a single post (that I've seen), yet wonders why nobody is talking to him...

Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
commented on
These sites are so pointless
Fox Witch (she/her/vixen) @vanessa86
This account has been suspended.

ceresbane @ceresbane
commented on
These sites are so pointless
ceresbane @ceresbane
Its more the fact that I look at the forum and all I see is people responding to list threads about themselves. Like "hey what do you like?"
You get lots of posts responding to the question... and nothing but that. Just people screaming into an echo chamber but none of the people engaging the other.
Like how the hell do you expect to meet anybody with initiative like that?

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
These sites are so pointless
yaasshat @yaasshat
Well, some are taken, some aren't looking and usually those who are looking, they don't seem to usually be all that active. It's a very small site, what do you expect?

last_soul @last_soul
commented on
These sites are so pointless
last_soul @last_soul
Most people here aren´t usually looking for something that special. There are many factors that interfere. Hobbies, distance and responsibility and of course the guts to get into a relationship and try to hold on it. To be fair gettin in a bar and hook up with someone got me more a relationship for a couple of weeks than most of the talk here.
Many people are just tryin to post their shit, get offensed about sth or use this site for anything but dating/real dates to get into a relationship. I wouldn´t worry that much

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
commented on
These sites are so pointless
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Lurking is the best medicine.

ceresbane @ceresbane
commented on
These sites are so pointless
ceresbane @ceresbane
To a point. I mean 4chan lurking is the best. Stuff is always poppin.
But when you got a social media site not being all that social. Well, besides "generic statement of opinion that will never be addressed or actively acknowledged."
You just gotta wonder what do people lurk here for? I guess its a good site to create surveys of a sample size of roughly 13 people over a run time of 2 weeks?
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