Whats your all time favorite anime
armedwithwings814 @armedwithwings814
Whats your all time favorite anime
armedwithwings814 @armedwithwings814
gonna start by saying mines Gintama
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
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Whats your all time favorite anime
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
This is a hard one, so many genres to pick from.
I'm gonna have to go with SAO. I loved the mmorpg theme, I used to play runescape and SAO takes me back to those good old days, it will always be a top pick for me no matter what anybody says.
Darker Than Black would come close, loved the Batman theme going on, very underrated imo.
Too many to pick, but SAO always hits me right in the feels.
Shebang @bonfiyah
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Whats your all time favorite anime
Shebang @bonfiyah
armedwithwings814 @armedwithwings814
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Whats your all time favorite anime
armedwithwings814 @armedwithwings814
Nice I first started watching anime around the time Sao came out so it was like the second show I ever watched and Berserk is number two of my top ten excellent choices I must say
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
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Whats your all time favorite anime
ouma_adam @ouma_adam
Funny you mention that, SAO was also around the time i started really getting into anime. When i was a kid i was aware of anime but didn't know much about it aside from Gundam, Initial D, Dragon Ball etc. so all the more reason I really cherish it.
I've heard good things about Berserk but never got around to watching it yet.
neeto @neet_one
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Whats your all time favorite anime
neeto @neet_one
skeleman @skeleman
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Whats your all time favorite anime
skeleman @skeleman
Mushi shi has to be mine. Pretty rare to have an anime that has realistic conclusions while also being satisfying.
moonlight dawn @verpine
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Whats your all time favorite anime
moonlight dawn @verpine
Nichijou lol
paipaimaster @paipaimaster3005
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Whats your all time favorite anime
paipaimaster @paipaimaster3005
Idk probably Hyouka or Kids on the Slope. Tbh I don't even remember half of the shit I've watched because it's all the same lmfao
Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
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Whats your all time favorite anime
Zilverwilg @zilverwilg
Madlax for live!
But the current airing Quan Zhi Gao Shou is now really getting close to become a favorite beside Madlax. It is already in my top favorite anime of all time.
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