Is this even a dating site?

ceresbane @ceresbane
Is this even a dating site?
ceresbane @ceresbane
Seems like a normal anime social network to me.

Cero @cero
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Is this even a dating site?
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
people always ask this question...the answer is no. you're better off using it as a social networking site rather than a dating site. cuz pretty much you have people who are taken, not looking to date, or pretty much into the same sex (mainly girls and the girl to boy ratio is messed up as it is) chances of you finding someone here all depends on luck
though it does consider itself a dating doesnt function that well as one

. @richaadokun
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
. @richaadokun
A friend of mine married someone she met on this site, but yeah it's basically Facebook for anime and they just happened to meet here. Honestly I have better luck with OkCupid for dating, there are people who like anime there too.

Error...Errror @joshua
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
Error...Errror @joshua
i would say 70 percent of people who came here first was looking for a relationship most people either gave up and leave or just stay to socialize with other people... though there are rare events people find someone....

mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
mariahaise @mariahaise
In my case though:
I came looking for bronze, stayed for gold. XDXD
I agree though, Facebook for anime x2

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
I honestly wish the whole "dating" aspect of this site would just get dropped. It's an anime forum with a shitload of miscellaneous discussions varying from pointless to intriguing.
However, I think there's two sides to this site. There's the people that post in the forums who are not actively looking for a relationship in the world of online. And there are the creepers in the background that just PM the cute girls hoping that their game is strong enough to create love.
In summary, the description of the site attracts the wayward lovelorn fools, who, in time, realize their social awkwardness with the opposite sex is just a lost cause here (just like irl), then they leave, or just continue to creep from the shadows.

jamesx122 @jamesx122
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
jamesx122 @jamesx122
It's just a social network site for me at this point. I have gotten into some very interesting discussions though, so I'm not complaining.

EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
It's more of a social networking site for Anime fans than a dating site to me.

Shebang @bonfiyah
commented on
Is this even a dating site?
Shebang @bonfiyah
It's however you interpret it. Personally, I interact with those I believe are... "Sane" when it comes to dating on here. It may just seem like some social networking forum but as mentioned, it's pretty much how you interpret it and utilize it. The forums here pretty much exposes bits of an individual's personality even if they are just being random and silly. It give you a chance to see how someone's thought process are like.
For me, I don't only do messaging but offer a voice chat after a certain period of knowing someone. Nothing spectacular or fantastic. Just a chat but by voice this time. If the person doesn't want to do voice at all or say they will but never did, I lose interest in them very quickly and move on. The reason why is because you can't feel that much emotions just by texts alone, at least for me. I want a fun conversation but not only through text all the time. I've already been in a 'relationship' like that and I felt lonely as fuck the whole time.
I personally think this site is pretty unique. It allows you to do a little much here. If you just post in the threads here, it allows you to show that you exist thus probably have a few users look at your profile. Nothing is a guarantee here just like other dating sites.
Just don't be desperate.
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