i need a girl that can beat me in games..
overth1nker @overth1nker
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
overth1nker @overth1nker
i tried. i looked. i talked with a lot of girls, no luck, i can just not lose in any game when i play with them, im not particularly good at video games, but i don't seem to lose.not ever, is the stereotype real and no girls can play competitively in guys in video games? when i saw that playing complicated games wasn't going anywhere, i tried doing anime quizes and play rock paper scissors with them, stuff that i thought were fair play for both genres, no luck there, i mean i tried handicaps, but i don't enjoy it when i give handicaps, if i find a girl out there that can beat me or at least be competitive with me when we play games together, that would be great, if you're a female and think your good at games, please add me, pretty please. i need to know you exist.
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
Lamby @momoichi
if you play wow i can probs beat you inna 1v1
xynomi @xynomi
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
xynomi @xynomi
latemery @latemery
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
latemery @latemery
It depends on what games you play though.
I mean you know I'd probably be good too if I spent hours upon hours in a certain game. Maybe they just weren't into it? Not their fault its not entertaining.
overth1nker @overth1nker
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
overth1nker @overth1nker
i need to clarify some things, when i say games, i don't mean games where you can beat the other person cause you played the game for years and have the advantage of being lvl 100 and beating the lvl 1 guy from years of experience, that's not what i'm talking about, i talk about fair play, something that is fair for both parties, EQUALITY , i'm a strong advocate of equality, so ffs not WoW and this is definetely not a ruse, what is that suppose to mean xD?
latemery @latemery
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
latemery @latemery
Lol. Everyone gets better with practice. So idk what kinda games you play?
Like uno?
Because that shits rigged af. Same with monopoly >->
I seriously dont know any equality video games, holy shit I suck.
overth1nker @overth1nker
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
overth1nker @overth1nker
well i recommend games like for example..rock paper scissors , or...a word game like shiritori, or even an anime quiz to see who scores higher wins, or even pacman, the person with the highest score wins, there's a million games like that and i also recommend for the other person to choose, but when that happens i still dominate, so i just don't know what to do.
heropun @heropun
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
heropun @heropun
This account has been suspended.
latemery @latemery
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
latemery @latemery
Find better skilled players mate?
What if they just weren't into games?
Nothing wrong with haveing different hobbies.
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
i need a girl that can beat me in games..
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Play the PVP in Dark Souls 2 - there are plenty of girls totally wrecking all the faces in that. I'm not even ashamed when I lose to them because they're that good at it despite how aggressive I am. Although I am much better at the PVE aspect compared to a number of Souls players so I ain't that bothered about my shit PVP skillage.
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