Weird and funny dreams discussion
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Weird and funny dreams discussion
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
Why hello everyone! I have finally created a forum of my own for you all to share and discuss things on. "Things" being of course dreams that we have that make us say, "What the heck man".
Basically this forum's purpose is to share your personal weirdest and most randomest dreams that you had.
I shall start things off *coughs*
Last night I had a dream where I was vacationing in Paris France. It was actually a fun time! I jumped with Hugh Jackman into the Siene River and swam along it. That was until this random girl dragged me out of it and informed me that we need to go get our taxes france?! I was confused, but I still followed her for some reason. We ran into a psychic who was a bit weird and super old. When we actually got there I remember a ghost grabbed me and kept yanking on my hand. Idk how I knew it was a ghost but it just was. I pulled back and eventually it ended up turning into a paranormal tug of war match with my hand. I won because I twisted the ghost's hand until it let go. *end of dream*
panda @death543
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
panda @death543
Had a dream I met you all in person......then some of us include I.....Daggera Sama least the people I've seen....anywho so we had to help rebuild the anime universe by being in our own series......long story short.....episode 1 ended in me drowning in my abyss of dreams.....I was sleeping in the end of my dream......we all had to have rooms......Freedom Sanfi Kid and I stayed in Room was sorta like a nice hotel roommates series......tonight I'll dream up episode 2 and let you all know
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
That sounds like a fun and hilarious dream that is full of adventure! xD
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
Chocopyro @chocopyro
I don't remember the last funny dream I've had, but I do have a funny sleep paralysis moment. At least funny in the fact that I just don't react like normal people in the face of a living nightmare. A bit of context, take it with a grain of salt because you heard it over the internet, but I practice a lot of spiritual psionic stuff like energy manipulation, psychic self defense, astral projection, all that stuff. And I had never had a nightmare since. That was true for sleep paralysis as well, until I moved into my new house for the first few months.
Anyways, I'm lying there, between sleep and awake, and suddenly, it happens for about the third time. Only this time, along with my usual "Can't move, this is awkward" thing that I was starting to get accustomed to, I start hearing a loud buzzing sound, and begin to sense something dark manifesting in the corner of my room. I hear a voice in my head screaming something along the lines of "Its Elizabeth! Don't let her get you! Andric! Don't look at her! She'll get you!" And in spite of this panic inducing suggestion, I'm completely calm, albeit very annoyed, my reaction is more "Shut up, I want to see this Elizibeth for myself. Let me at em! I'll blast her to oblivion!" Like some kind of scrappy doo or something. And when I finally got a good look at that corner of the room, to my disappointment, there was nothing there. Just like all my nightmares, my first case of "Old Hag's syndrome" was an utter letdown, thanks to my own subconscious bloodlust. (And I'm actually a very docile guy, so I don't know where it comes from.)
Wagen @ivo
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
Wagen @ivo
Back in 2007/2008 I had a dream where the Earth was under a global cooling and there was so much snow and cold that the entire surface of the planet was being covered and it was always dark and night. Then a group of people, probably some kind of expeditionary force which included me got inside a turtle-shaped frigate spaceship and we went into space and reached Jupiter. Within the gas layer there was a big cave, our ship landed and when we left many huge torches turned on revealing a big arena similar to a coliseum and a guardian which looked like King-Kong appeared and attacked us, he could talk also. Since we had weapons we fought him but the cave began to shake, so we came back to the ship and flew back into space.
Suddenly the ship began to lose control and went straight into the Sun at a high speed. We tried to dodge in vain, crashed and died. Then we saw ourselves in a really nice place full of flowers, blue sky, talking animals, kind of an Eden's garden with a comic tone.
It was a big nonsense mess.
saeko @gotchicho
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
saeko @gotchicho
It was like a flashback but as a dream.
So when I was smaller I never liked the Idea of someone else having my name. So then this other girl with MY name came along and was like we are going tk be bestfriends! I was like "if you want to be my friend we're going to have to find you a new name b" I named her sandy and I kept dreaming about how I always made her give me one of her cookies and then I knew it was a dream because we ended up in college together and she started being mean to me and she started calling me sandy and she was doing what I did to her in kindergarten which is childish smh
saeko @gotchicho
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
saeko @gotchicho
Glad that was just a dream
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
@Wagen Wow your dream must have been a trip! Sounds like one! Plus now I want a turtle shaped space ship to fly me around the galaxy and not fly into the sun like in your dream God forbid! xD
@Choco Your dream sounds super ominous like there is some sorta deep spiritual connection at work there. I salute you to have gone through that dream. Lol
@saeko So you basically dreamt about your close friend practically even besties holding a grudge against you for giving her a different name in Kindergarten. That is childish! xD I bet that alot of people in this world have literally been through that situation already with their lives.
Definitely update me on all of your dreams ladies and gentlemen! They all sound so unique with lots of meaning behind them! ^.^
Aka-san @redhawk
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
Aka-san @redhawk
I had a funny sexual dream about Snake95
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Weird and funny dreams discussion
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Well I have a weird dream that I had about three times in my life - it's um... Well I'll write it out;
Sometimes I would think I've gotten up because I need to go to the toilet, so I would get out of bed since nature called but then as I got to the toilet all of a sudden some big looking medusa looking monster would pop out of the toilet, it's mouth would stretch to an insanely ludicrous size and then it would literally eat me whole and I would lose consciousness. The moment I wake up, I would be in this huge, dark dungeon-looking area and I have to find a way to escape out of it while at the same time, having to compete with weird minotaur things in armour; I could sneak past them or straight up kill them with a sword or mace lying around the dungeon. I can never remember anything after that.
I have a LOT of weird dreams that I can vividly remember but that's definitely my go-to as far as weird dreams go.
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