Can/Should I get my ex back?

Kaiams @kaiams
Can/Should I get my ex back?
Kaiams @kaiams
Well since I've already joined this site in the hopes of finding someone new, I might as well try to settle any emotions I have and seek some sort of closure. Or something along those lines, you know what I mean.
So to TRY to make a long story short, my gf of six years pretty much left me because she had feelings for a friend she knew a long time ago. She told me out front that her feelings for him never went away and that she still likes him. She also felt that I neglected her, but she didn't feel like she could tell me and thought that maybe things would be better with him. After all the apologizing and trying to be more open with my feelings, she decided to chose neither of us and just do her own thing I guess. While we had this weird friendship thing going on for a week or so, I just decided to break contact a couple days ago. I pretty much did everything but get on my hands and knees to let her know that I loved her and was more than willing to try to change, but she didn't show much interest in fixing things. I wanted to live the rest of my life with this girl so just being friends isn't going to work. I want to be, seeing as how her family doesn't treat her very well, but my heart can't take it.
Can I fix this? Should I fix this? Don't even know how she feels about me anymore. Don't know what to fight for, or how to fight for it anymore.

≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
≧ ManamI ≦ @mamani_nnnn
NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TO YOU EX. Especially if she doesn't have feeling for you anymore. Do you wanna live you life suffering with someone that would never love you back again? Or just have a talk to her dude, I can do much but just give advices.

anon5213 @siddyf
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
anon5213 @siddyf
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yaasshat @yaasshat
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
yaasshat @yaasshat

GunvoltX @gunvoltx
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
GunvoltX @gunvoltx
Sorry to say, but you need to move on. You can't make someone take you back. If she has no interest in getting back together with you, that means it's over. You may say that you love her, but it seems she doesn't feel the same way. Even if you do get back together, she'll probably end up leaving you again for somebody else.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
From the sounds of it, noooooooooo. No. No. No. This is the kind of thing you can never fix no matter how hard you tried. It's clear that she doesn't want to be together with you anymore and she wants to move on. In this scenario you should do the exact same thing. It'll hurt, like, a lot. A fucking lot but but it's the only thing you can do. If you tried to get back with her then you'll never be able to move on because the point she ends up with someone else, you'll fall apart in no time. Seriously, just move on and find someone else because it's the only thing you can do at this point.

tehsuri @tehsuri
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
tehsuri @tehsuri
I was gonna type up some long winded answer. But it seems there's a general consensus among the people who have posted.
The answer is no. Go find the person who needs you as much as you need them.

Cero @cero
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
Cero @cero
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fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
I got to agree with them sounds like you've had it rough. Only thing I can probably add is if you were to try to convince her anyway you may miss out/alienate on someone that would have feelings for you and you could return them.

Blank @sweetdeath
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Can/Should I get my ex back?
Blank @sweetdeath
If you feel the necessity. Nobody can make a decision for you. I strongly felt like going back to my ex would be great again.. but i'm not really missing her, in fact i despite her being. However i do miss her genuine attitude. I want her generousity. Not her actual being.. idk dont fall the same trap as I did.
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