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Kaiams @kaiams
Kaiams @kaiams
Dunno why I came back here. I guess to see if I had any messages. No? Kthx bye ._.

MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
Ahhhhhhh another Texan, what part of Texas do you reside?:3

Kaiams @kaiams
Kaiams @kaiams
I love how Japan can take sports and hobbies and turn them into interesting stories. Reading Soul Catcher(S), and really loving it. Shout out to my Band Kids
Ideal partner

Kaiams @kaiams
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Ideal partner
Kaiams @kaiams
I'm mostly just attracted to what's on the inside, but I do have a few physical preferences.
-Preferably long hair. Short hair is fine too tho.
-Maybe someone tiny that I can hold on and cuddle with? (I'm 6'2 so that shouldn't be too hard lol)
-Really not into piercings, especially facial (Probably my one thing). Tattoos are fine tho.
-But I don't care about weight, facial blemishes, scars/burns or stuff like that (But I understand if you're self-conscious about stuff like that).
-Facial features are whatever. But I do find I like girls who are more dorky/nerdy looking? I dunno, like glasses, braces, and such?
Personality Wise:
-Someone just really sweet, caring, and supportive.
-Honestly I rather you be super clingy than wondering if you even care I'm around.
-Straightforward and knows what she wants (in a partner at least).
-Someone willing to work through things and talk things out (Surprisingly haven't met a girl like this yet).
-Open and honest (I'm willing to work for your trust, but don't lie about things and make it worst).
-Horndog (Just keeping it real lol).
Why are you single?

Kaiams @kaiams
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Why are you single?
Kaiams @kaiams
Who knows but mostly because I just can't find anyone. My friends make me seem like the funniest most enjoyable guy on earth with dozens of female friends but I dunno. Whenever I find someone I really, really like, they find someone better... *shrugs*
In hindsight, honestly sometimes I figure I'd be better off single. No one to disappoint, hurt, or worry about leaving you. It's a back and forth thing because deep down I do want to find someone and spend my life with them.