Hated games you like

Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
Hated games you like
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
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Hated games you like
Emperor Nihilus @no44prometheus
This account has been suspended.

Wagen @ivo
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Hated games you like
Wagen @ivo

leo @coolerthanleo1
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Hated games you like
leo @coolerthanleo1
Aliens colonial marines. I know I'm gonna regret saying this.

Yu @metaljester
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Hated games you like
Yu @metaljester
Big Rigs over the road racing it gave the purest form of personal player freedom of you wanted to go beyond the games limits and head off to unrefined lands you could.
If you wanted to challenge everything and always come out on top you would be able to do so, it provided all kinds of little gimmicks to make the game more interesting. Such as a ever increasing speed once you took off certain obstacles.
I also loved the fact that you could use what I presume to be a power up but you had to look for it, to pass through other vehicles. This was the very first narrative of its kind to genuinely challenge the player when it came to finding new powers.
As a game it formed it's own medium of road bumping surrealism, while simultaneously offering players a check on the concepts of winning and losing in the game.
Overall it is a genuine masterpiece.

Shytaku @shy_otaku
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Hated games you like
Shytaku @shy_otaku
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg ;_;

dandaman @dantheman06
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Hated games you like
dandaman @dantheman06
Vigilante 8 and Dead Or Alive Series(yes i play for the fighting >:O)

neeto @neet_one
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Hated games you like
neeto @neet_one
Alter Echo, and dark sector. I'd see nothing but negative reviews on them and everyone I knew hated them, but I enjoyed em.
dandaman, I'd hardly say everyone hates those games. Dead Or Alive is a very popular series and only SJWs don't like it, but their opinions are worthless so they don't count. Vigilante 8 Did well enough to earn it a sequal, it just got over shadowed by twisted metal is all.

reigami @reigami
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Hated games you like
reigami @reigami
Time and Eternity

shawnji @shawnji
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Hated games you like
shawnji @shawnji
Sonic Adventure 1+2
Zelda II
...umm... that's all I can really think of.
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