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How not to get catfished

Umm.....skype video? Numerous times and at random times to guarantee its the same person. That would prevent certain aspects of catfishing.
Jul 21, 16 at 10:18pm
Have you been talking away to them Getting to know them then boom Skype then you patch them after that
Love Grade A's videos :D
His channel is great
Some catfishes are obvious. But I don't think most people have to worry that much. It's not super common. I did talk to a girl that turned out to be a guy, but they weren't exactly flirting with me. They were just being social and he has gone as a girl online for years so I wouldn't call it a full catfish. But I still figured out something was off after awhile and cyber-stalked them till I found their real identity. Now we are actually good friends. Another time a random girl who had just made a profile and was listed as being like 13 tried to chat me up and being overly friendly. This was on my other profile where I had my age listed and everything. The photo was also a professional looking model type pic. I figured it was either law enforcement or another user on here trying to bait me and see if I would flirt back and act like a pedo. I just brushed her off.
I've seen on mo a few times people using cosplayer photos saying it's them when it's not and half the time i see people falling for them by commenting on them..
Jul 22, 16 at 2:35am
Professional looking photos, people who look like they could be models, links to strange sites, and women who are overly eager to hook up with you are big red flags.
Neet one rekt this thread with his post.
So to be blunt how do you find the right person if they only have avatars and are great people but have that one picture that could maybe be hiding the true identity or nature ..... Why don't ppl just show themselfs I mean whats the big deal ?
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