Why I think you should vote for Trump

Arc @arc
Why I think you should vote for Trump
Arc @arc
Alright, in light of recent news, I have come to a conclusion. My own personal bias aside Hillary is worse than trump. How worse? She will lie about anything and everything to get her way. She is basically a puppet of our corrupt government and the corporations that control her.
People think voting for Hillary means things will be the same. That is not true. For years now power has been shifting away from the people so that they have become little more than peons.
To all the people who are planning to vote, and for those deciding to vote for Hillary, I implore you to reconsider. Hillary will win the election because it is rigged, but by us voting for the other candidate, it will show our dissatisfaction about the corrupt state of the government. Once the people vote against the government, true leaders can come out of the woodwork, somebody who is worthy and capable of being president during the next election cycle.
Do you know what happened when Bernie returned to his party? He was booed by all the democrats. They want to destroy him for rising up against Hillary! Bernie is want of the few politicians that are not corrupt, and it's sad.
I think Trump has racial bias, he has some flat out stupid ideas (the wall), and I could think of many more capable presidents. But I'm going to vote for him, because Hillary is backed by the very people that want to control us and lead us down a dark path where a revolution would be the only way for us to get our voices back. At least that's my take on it.
I don't want so much a debate as to know why you are voting for your chosen candidate. Who are you voting for and what is your top reason for your decision?

shawnji @shawnji
commented on
Why I think you should vote for Trump
shawnji @shawnji
Arc, I respect you a lot man, and I can totally understand why you'd be pissed. I am too, but I feel like this is a REALLY bad idea. It's like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Trump would be a horrible risk for the country. The president is largely a figurehead position; they can't do much at all without the support of Congress besides vetoing bills.
What the president CAN do, however, is make military judgement calls that impact not just us, but the entire world. Not to mention it gives them a powerful platform to spread ideas; be they helpful or harmful. I really don't want to live in a country where bigotry and racism is normalized by having someone emblematic of those problems in our most hallowed office (and yes, I realize Clinton has been a part of that in the past as well). Can you imagine what a picture that paints to the rest of the world about us?
Listen, I know Hillary is a grade-A liar and a warhawk, and I hate that they let her get away with this, but I don't think voting for Trump is the answer. At the very least, vote for Jill Stein who shares almost all of Bernie's platform. That's who I'll be voting for. I've said this elsewhere, but if you live in a state that you know is predestined to go either blue or red, please vote independent. If you live in a swing state, hold your nose and vote Hillary, because too much else is at stake here.
At the very least, Bernie has pushed the Democratic party platform further left than ever before, and Hillary is even jumping on the free college bandwagon now. These are good signs. It's a good sign that she's considering Elizabeth Warren for her VP despite the fact that Wall Street is telling her they won't give her any more money if she does. I know that the chances of her following through on much of this is small, but that's where we all have to come in and keep the pressure on her. Elect independents into local offices. Make sure your senators and other state representatives are held accountable. The revolution doesn't end with this one election. It's not about Bernie, and it never was; it's about taking our country back and making it a better place for everyone, and not just a priveleged few. Hang in there buddy.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Why I think you should vote for Trump
Veru @verucassault
I agree. The Party Machines, the Superpacks, the purchasing of votes, etc. all needs to stop.
Politicians today sound like the modern escort: "It's not prostitution, they give me gifts not money!"

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Why I think you should vote for Trump
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Woah woah woah so now its just down to hillary and trump? Fuck dude i thought bernie would have made it i would have voted for him tbh
Rip bernie's run for presidency
Idk anything about politics nor do i know what either party stands for. I just didnt want trump as president cuz come on its trump....but idk if i want hillary either. Tell her to go chill in cedar rapids and tell trump to use that small loan of a million dollars to find a cure for jacked up hair

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Why I think you should vote for Trump
Tiger Festival @animeboy
@Arc good luck getting through the feminists, since they want a female president so badly, just as so many blacks voted for Obama back in 2008 since they wanted a black president, I would know I was guilty of it and now look. I truly regret voting Obama for that reason, also because I thought he'd bring jobs like he said he would. But yeah I'm totally with you on voting Trump. But in all honesty I doubt he'll win with the rigged system even if everyone suddenly decided to vote for him. Le sigh....

Sunbae @alanzd
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Why I think you should vote for Trump
Sunbae @alanzd
I'm going to come back to this, since I'm technically in class right now and I realllyyyyy want to answer this.

Sunbae @alanzd
commented on
Why I think you should vote for Trump
Sunbae @alanzd
Also, congrats on living with Veru now! I forgot to say that on the other post!

neeto @neet_one
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Why I think you should vote for Trump
neeto @neet_one
If I was gonna vote I'd vote for Giant Meteor. It would be for the best.

Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
Why I think you should vote for Trump
Gudmoore @gudmoore
Voted for Trump in the primary, will vote Trump again during the general.
He isn't perfect, but if we just wait around for the perfect candidate then we'll never get anywhere. The left loves to act like the United States would be over if Trump becomes president... Those checks and balances don't just vanish because a new president is in the seat.
When it comes down to it, I pay serious attention to those who hate/mock/fear Trump. Especially certain politicians in the establishment. In my eyes, he's pissing off all the correct people politcally.
Still, as a logical citizen I retain my ability to change my support if new information comes to light. But as it is, I'm still all Trump.

Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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Why I think you should vote for Trump
Lord's Chosen Otaku @differentdrum
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