Long distance relationships.

Princess Serenity @serenity_chan
Long distance relationships.
Princess Serenity @serenity_chan
I'm currently in a long distance relationship with someone I met on here. Now, we haven't met in person yet and we eventually plan to, but we have Skyped before. Now my parents are very old fashioned, they insist that you can't have a long distance relationship if you've never met in person before. So, they basically are ignoring the facts about texting, messaging through social media, Skype, and other forms of video calling. Who's right about this situation me or my parents? Can you have a long distance relationship with someone you've never met face to face or do you have to meet each other?

chrisma @chrisma
commented on
Long distance relationships.
chrisma @chrisma
In my opinion, there is no right or wrong in this situation. I personally have experienced long distance relationships and for me, it only works if both of you are on the same page, the expectations are the same and are really in love with each other. And yes, you can have long distance relationship with someone you've never met personally. I have experienced it as well and I also have friends who have the same situation. Long distance is only difficult when one of you feels like it's not going to work.

Shebang @bonfiyah
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Long distance relationships.
Shebang @bonfiyah
Parents are like that with doubts and shit so here's the chance to prove them wrong if the relationship worked out and you both meet in person.
I had two "friends" who are a couple. I recently chose to depart from them for a specific reason. They were in a long distance relationship for a year and they just met in person recently this year in June since it was their one year anniversary. The relationship was an overseas kind. The girl was from the UK and the guy was from the U.S. They are five hours apart. It worked out but because of certain circumstances. If these circumstances never occurred, it may have never worked out but I can be wrong about that. Anyways, there was ups and down in the relationship. They argued a lot and shit. I was there and helped them in some or most during their relationship. It'll work out if both individuals try pretty much.
They also Skyped and shit. If you both are certain it'll work out, then it will. Get rid of insecurity. That's what would possibly ruin the relationship. Have faith. Be positive and shit. Keep communicating. Communication becoming dull? Bring out a random topic. If there's a problem or something needing to be fixed, talk it out.
I'm also in a Long Distance Relationship. At the start, I felt insecure and messed it up a bit. I had some doubts. The problem was that I didn't even try to talk it out and now I do. I learned from my fuck up.

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
commented on
Long distance relationships.
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Well this is a mixed bag. I can see your parents point because having a real world connection is important. I can also see you starting out without knowing someone and then meeting eventually. My sister actually met her husband in a similar fashion. She met him off World of Warcraft and eventually met up with him. They have been married for....five...maybe six years now?
My personal opinion is that you need to meet the person in the real world because you won't truly know someone until you do. People can be quite different than who they appear to be online - I feel that is important.

GunvoltX @gunvoltx
commented on
Long distance relationships.
GunvoltX @gunvoltx
Long distance relationships are tricky. However, I do believe that they can work if both people are serious about it. Try to communicate everyday if you can. Besides using Skype and texting, try to interact with each other by playing online games, sending short vlog videos to each other, or things like that.
Also, you shouldn't blame your parents too much for not understanding. My parents are old fashioned too. They didn't get to experience the internet for themselves until they were in their 40s. Your parents are only trying to look out for you.
Anyway, I wish you two the best.

neeto @neet_one
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Long distance relationships.
neeto @neet_one
They almost never work out. It's far too easy for someone to cheat, and people tend to eventually give in to the 'here and now'.

lekace @lekace
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Long distance relationships.
lekace @lekace
I was in a long distance for almost 2 years. Eventually I moved to be with my partner and we broke up a couple months later.
Personally I wouldn't recommend them.

Akira Saito @akira_saito
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Long distance relationships.
Akira Saito @akira_saito
Long distance relationships that are exclusive and demand you be their 'only' don't tend to work and here's why, Relationships need to be physical.
Not to say sex is needed but contact with another human being is needed. There's something about being near someone or getting a hug or hell just holding hands, that online and texts just cant give you. Its a comfort that is hugely lacked in online.
its important to remember cheating happens because one partner doesn't feel satisfied and has to go looking elsewhere for what they need. Don't make it right but it does mean the relationship isn't working for them.
Long distance can work but a relationship that is entirely online? No. You don't know the person. You don't know their quirks. To really know someone you gotta meet them and spend time in person. You might find you like em more or you might find you don't work well in person. Either way meet someone in person before deciding to ring those wedding bells.
Relationships need physical connections (not just sex) and meeting them is important to know if your compatible.
on the flip side open relationships can actually survive online I think.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Long distance relationships.
Rain @rainx
They can work if both parties are on the same page and dedicated enough, but usually the majority end in failure due to various reasons. Not being able to see each other enough/at all, one person loses interest or finds someone else closer to where they live, the initial honeymoon phase wears off and realize what an extended LDR entails and isn't willing to put in the time to communicate sufficiently with their partner online, etc.
Be it a limited dating pool or looking for someone specific, the idea of having one isn't horrible, but a serious plan eventually needs to be put into place of one party or the other moving where their partner lives, and that's not always very easy given the commitments people have to family, friends, their careers, fiscal requirements, etc.
If an LDR is something you're seriously considering, be sure you really know what it's going to take to make it work in the long run.

♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
commented on
Long distance relationships.
♡ A-Mei-Zing ♡ @assam
Long distance can work very well if you both trust each other and put in the effort ^^
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