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What would you do if you fell for someone..someone who could never fall for you back?

or you can be like Dat boi and use memes to hide the fact that your lowkey dying on the inside
lowkey? im highkey already dead and just find memes funny i aint hiding shit lmao
oh these guys there also one of the 5 or 8 active people on the site ive noticed lol
Move on and forget about the person. No need to chase someone who won't ever love you back.
I can tell you from a 11 year experience of trying to make it work with someone who didn't really care, It is not worth it. You will only get hurt much more then you could ever imagine.
Move on grind that EXP and come back if you're still not happy
I have tons of questions because that question opens up many more questions to the whole topic. In general: - move on - acohol - date a girl you have no feelings for and use her just to make you feel better - alcohol - try to meet new people - get a new hobby - masturbate - drown yourself in work/college stuff - alcohol - maybe date another girl just to make you feel better but you are an asshole/ a bitch nonseless - accept that you are an asshole a bitch and it´s your fault - move away from your current place wear contacts, cut your hair, dye them and start to live a new life... like a bitch because you try to run from your mistakes those are just a few options. It´s hard to say something to it because no one is able to control your feelings and who says that that person can´t fall back in love? Maybe she isn´t even worth it? Maybe it´s just a crush?
If your in the position where you can't have the one you love the best thing to help you heal and get past it all is to try your best to cut every tie with them that you can and move on. Even the smallest things can send you tumbling backwards towards shitty feelings so it's best to just leave them behind even though it can hurt and can feel really scary not to have them in your life at all.
the word yandere comes to mind with this thread :3 http://68.media.tumblr.com/e2d45a964c936c455673376ed1afbb5a/tumblr_om08q5svIr1t38y6eo1_500.png http://68.media.tumblr.com/b5224d6be37284fb77725e4b53f46226/tumblr_ocouukMdGh1s6e6szo1_500.png https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rZY5frZvaEc/V5A-cWlBJ-I/AAAAAAAABHQ/9us3Wvg9NdQTCIVmYreEr_7mwqgr5xjlQCLcB/s1600/nam-il%2Bpark%2B2.JPG
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