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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

@Arc oh my bad I didn't know about that. A classmate presented it as their final project so I just went with it. Thank you for informing me. As for the assertive woman being bitchy, again, not a social issue in my eyes. Also, the male version of a slut is called a fuckboi.
@Mango and that's the mentality that needs to change. I personally don't have an issue with assertive women. I'd be more inclined to like and work for an assertive woman than a man. @Arc true, I doubt I'd even make it to the shoreline before swimming with said log.
... Why don't we have a movement that promotes equality for everyone? Equality for every human to be treated as human.
Are you speaking of egalitarianism @rappinglion?
Because to have equality, is to bring up the one who is not equal to the other on the same standpoint.
@Arc Probably because they've watched GI Jane and don't want to be made an example of. Good movie, btw..
But people of different backgrounds are unequal on different standpoints. If you try to focus on only one then it becomes a fight to see who is the biggest victim and no one wins.
@rapp because people don't want to admit that they have unearned advantages
I know, race, social status and sexual orientation is another topic but same in a way. But that also needs some fixing and focus on. :P
Even just on the basis of sex alone we should not be saying "women are as a whole more disadvantaged than men so we should only focus on women's issues and once women have it better then it's the guys turn"
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