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Double Standards: Sexism and Feminism

That is not a fight for equality. that is a fight to maintain victim status so that your problems are the ones always focused on. Once again no one wins
Excuses: Let's hear yours again.... http://thumbnail.egloos.net/600x0/http://pds24.egloos.com/pds/201108/26/73/b0073573_4e5743d5481a6.jpg Lol in all seriousness though. Yeah I get the idea of what you're saying, people do make a hardcore fuss over the purpose of women in nature and fail to see that the they too are indeed human just like everyone else, not somebody's property and whatnot. As for myself, when I really like a girl...it means I consider her my equal that is capable of everything I can do and sometimes even more. And by like I don't mean only in that special way, even just as friends. Meaning I'm quite open minded to people who I consider worthy of my time. Though if it's in a romantic way, I admit that I do over the top stuff like writing poems, tsunami of gifts etc. But that's because I'm of those "knight on the white steed" idiots, which is however an entirely different topic and is not the point here. xD At any rate...it matters not to me what you are. If you are doing or have something that I like, you could be even a talking sentient frog for all I care. You as a person and your deeds are the only values that are even worth mentioning tbh, or at least that's my opinion...I don't give 2 shits if people think I'm wrong. If you can prove that you're better than me at something, I'm not going to get butthurt with a "beaten by a girl" syndrome and it will be my honor to learn from you. ^^
I want an knight on a white horse to sweep me off my feet and shower me with gifts but I also want him to want me to have equal pay and opportunities. <3 That's love, bitches.
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You ain't gonna be chivalrous to be sweet. And sorry Arc but my horse is black and in back down south with my uncles. I might be able to get him to let me borrow one of his.
Same girl. I want to shower a man with gifts and take him out to romantic dinner dates ;) and also have the equal pay and rights.
I don't think you do @mango_mochi. what I'm saying is that people of all different backgrounds have different issues. And in regards to sex both sexes have advantages and disadvantages in society. We should focus on both. Not who has it worse.
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