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Should Abortion be Legal?

You're wrong. Continue some other time if you want. I needs sleep.
Jun 03, 16 at 3:42am
Sleep well. But when you wake and have time, I want to you to answer this question: Would you rather have $300 or $560,000? And why?
I see what you're trying to do there. Get that false dichotomy away from me :). Peace
http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/node/657 http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/deterrence-states-without-death-penalty-have-had-consistently-lower-murder-rates http://nccadp.org/death-penalty-issue/failure-to-deter-crime/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/04/30/theres-still-no-evidence-that-executions-deter-criminals/ http://www.amnestyusa.org/sites/default/files/images/DPvNonDPStates.jpg
Jun 03, 16 at 3:58am
@Majin I don't think it's dichotomy. You're saving 300 people at the cost of 560,000 others. Doesn't make mathematical sense to me. If you could tell my why you would, that would be awesome @Neko the per 100,000 one is a bit tricky to deal with because a lot of the death penalty states are higher in population with higher crime rates. California is probably the best example. This one is actually from the same newsource that's up there. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/11/AR2007061100406.html http://dailysignal.com/2014/10/04/capital-punishment-works-it-deters-crime/ Also the nccadp one is using a lot of fishy language. They say that Police Chiefs rank this the lowest, but what percentage of police chiefs say that? And if you click on the rigorous research option, it's leads you to a pdf about opinions and how the death penalty came to be
I think Adult people should be able to make adult decisions about adult things. Although I can't say I'd ever personally condone in it in my relationship; I don't think its right to end a life before it has begun, however I also don't think limiting someone's options in life beacuse it's something I don't personally agree with is right either. If I got my spouse/partner pregnant and they wanted an abortion I think I would disagree but after a long talk I'd ultimately end up supporting their decision, and respecting their right to their body.
Jun 03, 16 at 5:21am
It should be encouraged. We've got enough people on this overcrowded planet as is with no shortage of problems without forcing people to be born into families that don't want them. Besides, It's really easy to say abortion shouldn't be allowed when you're not the one getting kicked out of your house and made to drop out of school to work a minimum wage job you hate to support a kid who's father ran off, Or forced to raise a child who's father raped you and be constantly reminded of that for the rest of your ruined life. If abortion is forbidden, then those who forbid it should be forced to raise the unwanted children it produces.
Abortions at Midnight on MO. Wow
I used to debate this but you change as you get older. When it comes down to it, my thoughts on abortion now are similar to Neets. We are on the verge of over-population. The world will struggle to sustain itself. Already there are countries that are starving and cannot support its population to have a healthy quality of life. As far as the death penalty goes, the criminal justice system should be improved upon. I sit on the fence. I do not think child molesters, rapists, and murderers should be allowed to live and just be contained. I support death penalty there so long as WITHOUT A DOUBT the persons are guilty. But then I can waiver because of the state of Arkanasa and the West Memphis Three. Three children died and the town had a modern day witch hunt and accused three teenagers of killing them because the teens liked heavy metal and dressed in black. The 3 documentaries on this may still be on Netflix. There was also a movie recently, Devil's Knot.
@Veru its early morning for me lol
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