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Should Abortion be Legal?

Jun 04, 16 at 8:41pm
This is such an incredibly difficult issue for me. In my mind, I tend to think of a fetus as a child once the organs begin to function at around 60-80% capacity. When I think of it that way, it's hard to see a willful termination as being any different from ending the life of an infant that's already been born. I can imagine it hearing it's mother's heartbeat or beginning to process the sounds outside the womb and it just gets me right in the heart. That said, I have no real problem with abortions before that point. The trouble is defining when that timeframe begins. When do we begin to call it a life? I also feel that cases of rape, risk of death to the mother, and other extenuating circumstances muddy the waters even further. In those cases, I absolutely feel like it has to be left up to the mother. It's still incredibly unfortunate, though; as if they choose to go through with it they have to live with the ramifications of that choice and any feelings of guilt over doing it, be those feelings misplaced or not. I can only feel lucky that's not a call I'll ever have to make, because I'd probably lose my mind. There's also a point that can be made about there being a high risk of back-alley abortions becoming more prevalent with fewer abortion clinics available. Even beyond that, you have the arguments about overpopulation and how it can be more cruel to a child for them to be raised in less than ideal conditions. There are just too many good reasons to allow legal abortion, rather than eliminate it. That still doesn't make me like it any better, though... and I'll never stop feeling like it's an absolute tragedy every single time... I'm not sure if any of you are sympathetic to my viewpoint, but those are my unsolicited (and all-too-complicated) feelings on the subject.
I think it should definitely be legal, imagine being raped and facing the law because you were a victim.. o.0
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