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Should Abortion be Legal?

I mean the thread started around midnight, at least for me, and went into the wee morning hours. I was in bed but now I'm up about to head to work for the majority of the day. It's just funny such a serious topic went on that late especially with so many people in the US contributing lol...
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Abortion should never be legal. I'm against it and even though is probably because I'm directly influenced by my beliefs, I think my logic tells me not to ever think that's an option. Don't come with that crap: "there aren't enough reserves in this world for humanity" or "it's their bodies" because there are limits and there are people that have way more than they have to. This planet can provide us all, get a hold of yourselves, you are just another animal in this fucking Earth. Why don't you guys think about the people that own more than they can ever wish to have and handle? Haven't you ever thought how these people are in power of everything and still can control your whole lives? Don't be so easy to manipulate. Abortion is not an option. Is not because of over-population, not because it's their body, is not! The baby inside of a woman is just that, a baby inside of her, the baby doesn't share her soul and they aren't the same existence. Sure, what if the woman is raped? There are pills that can prevent this before the cells start really multiplying. Then tell me, why the hell wait until they are big enough to take them out? That's certainly not human at all. Is ok to kill kids? No it isn't, for years the younger generations will always be protected for their influence on the future, ask that to military forces. Then why? Why end a life a hell lot purer than an older human just because of the sake of it? Bare your kid, hold your responsibilities and take it. Can't take it? Give it into adoption until there's enough technology to have the kid living outside of the womb available for everyone to use. Don't want kids? Stop fucking around. Isn't it that simple? For the last time: is n o t their bodies. And please, how can you all be so crazy as to fucking compare it with how we eat meat? We kill another animals for everything, not just eating. It has nothing to do with abortion, that's just insane. Is just natural. Abortion is not. I can't believe how people nowadays can get easily confused about what's good and what's right. Stop confusing, there is no in between, I see a pretty clear line. If you want to get yourself killed? So be it. Want to have plastic surgeries? So be it. Want to kill someone else? No. A fetus? A potential life of the future? No, even the less reason to kill.
@mariahaise: we already know where each other stands on this so here's a dancing kitty. http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/cat1.gif
@blood Take your cat and shove it up to your ass, not eloquent enough.
@mariahaise Not eloquent enough? Well here's an eloquent elephant :D https://s3.amazonaws.com/offer-engine/the-eloquent-elephant-x21616878/merchant_primary_logo_(retina)_-_merchant.png
@blood Is this some attempt to get out a white flag or are you trying to cheer me up?
@mariahaise: trying to add some levity to the conversation by being a total asshat. Everyone can get mad at me rather than each other. And every time I write out long, detailed posts, I'm not convinced people read them... cuz I sure as hell wouldn't in that position. https://ferrellgummit.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/asshat.jpg
@blood, alright, have fun and fuck yourself.
Jun 03, 16 at 1:22pm
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