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Should Abortion be Legal?

Yeah i mean there is that. Growing up and living a horrible life as a child that wasnt wanted and adoption isnt always the best choice either
https://youtu.be/71UrcZcs3LA OK so I was curious how this is done and I have to say that's pretty inhumane. For those of you that are pro it's good for you because you get STEM cells and Pepsi(rumored that they have dead fetus in their ingredients but I have to do research on that lol). I was going to accept pro-abortion because I thought the removal was humane. Really vacuum out fetus into a pile of guts? As far as rape victims, give it up for adoption. Then the point is brought up that the systems are full. That's is true but the reason why things can't get handled is simply because of politics. We as a whole produce 3x times the amount of food to feed every person in the world. Why are there still starving people on the world? Politics(big), Geography, Sociology, and Economy. (Side tracked) but yes things could work theoretically if money wasn't going to other places. And No I don't agree with Death Penalty and No I'm not Christian
Jun 03, 16 at 2:29am
@Manga that actually broke my heart a tiny bit. I know it must've been difficult for you to tell us this. When I become a prosecutor, I promise that if I get assigned to a rape case when the convict has been confirmed to be the rapist, I'll punish that person to the highest degree possible. I'm glad you don't let your emotions get to you and try to you know... off him. It takes a lot for a person to keep calm like that.
I'm with mango on this. As a mum of two I know first hand how hard mentally and physically not only pregnancy is but having children is. It ain't all cute clothes and fun let me tell you. My two were planned and both were normal healthy pregnancies so I was lucky. I can't even imagine what it would of been like if other factors had come into play. There obviously has to be a line draw on how late an abortion should be done but you shouldn't take away that right. Imagine having a child after being raped? Now that is going to be traumatic and life changing not only for the mother but the child as they start to question things.
Jun 03, 16 at 2:32am
@Rapp Yeah they use like a suction device that looks like something out of Dr. Who. But if you realistically think about it, that's really the only way to remove it. As for the rape part. I disagree with you to the highest degree. That child starts off with no family? What? As a person who came to the United States from a war torn country, no, I'm not even going to say it.
Jun 03, 16 at 2:34am
I'm sad that this thread got a lot of replies but when I made an abortion thread like two weeks ago, only Ringo and the guy with Gintoki avatar replied :(. I could've used all this info for my final project.
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Politics and hidden & open Agendas run the world. Where people invest time, money, and certain people is entirely up to the country. Taking care of orphans and ensuring they have quality care seems to not be a priority on people's list. Military might, technology, foreign investments/relations, and what do I need/want as a government seem to be top top priorities on "people with power" list of important task.
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