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Should Abortion be Legal?

Sunbae, I'm against the death penalty for the simple reason that innocent people have, and will continue to be, put to death. There will always be false positives. Unless you're okay with the fact that some innocent people will have to die, I don't see how you can support the death penalty.
Well if u guys want less abortion rates, focus on better sex education systems, consensual sex, and have a less broken law system. But that's a different topic. :T
Jun 03, 16 at 2:48am
@Mango I mean I wouldn't say it's humane. But I don't care if it's humane or not. I want it done effectively. Why do people care if it's humane? We eat meat. At least I do and we definitely know how livestock are treated and killed. Sometimes, they remove the fetus the same way for abortions and miscarriages because an abortion is a forced miscarriage. Hence why people can die from getting abortions late into the second trimester. It's also the reason why I think the 12 week time frame is fair. @Rapp that was probably the realest thing I read all day @Neko Sorry to hear that. But I feel like I feel the self need to clarify to people
Jun 03, 16 at 2:51am
@Majinveta That's what I'm aiming to fix. This is going to be a bit off topic, but fixing the innocent people getting executed is the main reason why I want to become a prosecutor in the first place. I support it because I know I can help fix it. Maybe not everywhere, but certainly in Southern California, I will. @Queenmeme I've been preaching this for years. But I don't know how the law system will lower abortion rates. Unless you mean like ban abortion. Then I guess you're not wrong haha.
Jun 03, 16 at 2:54am
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Sunbae, you may be able to fix it, but you can't eliminate it. A court case isn't like math where you can prove something. There will be false positives. So once again, you have to accept that innocent people will have to die if you support the death penalty.
Jun 03, 16 at 2:58am
@Majin then you have to accept that people will commit horrendous crimes because they know that they won't have to pay for it with their lives. There's a stabbing problem in the UK and Australia because people know that they won't lose their lives if they stab other people. Capital Murder First Degree Murder Infanticide Genocide High Treason Torture/Mayhem Without the death penalty, people will have no fear of doing these things.
@sunbae well certainly not in that sense :P But maybe more for rape victims, most of the people i know who has gone through that never wins the case or is left even more traumatized after. Well maybe it doesn't pertain to the subject since if we had all of the stuff we mentioned, we wouldnt have this would we?
Jun 03, 16 at 3:00am
Think about it. You can effectively kill as many people as you want, and you're a civilian, so no war crimes, and the max you get is life in prison.
That assumes people who commit such crimes really care about the death penalty. The kind of people you're describing tend to have something wrong with their brain that causes them to want to hurt others. It's not something they can control. Even if I accept your premise, you still have to accept that innocent people will have to die under the death penalty.
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