San-Japan 2016

The_Texas_Otaku @the_texas_otaku
San-Japan 2016
The_Texas_Otaku @the_texas_otaku
is anyone on here going to San-Japan this year? if so would you mind telling me what to expect as this will be my first year going.

エックザック @ekkuzakku
commented on
San-Japan 2016
エックザック @ekkuzakku
I'll be going, this will be my second time. It was my favorite con last year, plenty of people but it doesn't feel packed like a lot of larger cons. I'm not great at explaining what there is to expect though, I'll let somebody else take care of that lol. Feel free to ask me questions though, I'll do my best to answer them.

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
commented on
San-Japan 2016
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
Hey Texas Otaku. Well, you can expect to find something that you may like at San Japan. There are events, panels, and video gaming areas. There are places to sit and chill like the 24-hr video rooms and the manga library. Feeling creative? There's a craft room for that.
Attendees are mostly friendly and there are staff members around who could help you with your questions

redlikeroses88 @redlikeroses88
commented on
San-Japan 2016
redlikeroses88 @redlikeroses88
I'm going

serah2012 @serah2012
commented on
San-Japan 2016
serah2012 @serah2012
I haven't decided if I'm going, this will be my 10th one (if I go and I counted the mini con also)

ricky @rickyheng
commented on
San-Japan 2016
ricky @rickyheng
It's like any other con, what makes a con different is who you spend it with.
Although I will say out of all TX cons, it's the best in my opinion because of the location. Theres the river walk with the mall nearby, and alot of photoshoot places. The hyatt and the mariott across the street have a rooftop pool, so you should get one of those hotels if you can. Parking is a bitch though.

NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
commented on
San-Japan 2016
NeKo NiOr @nekobb13
I'm ready to go!! Whoop whoop!

bladeofcesare @bladeofcesare
commented on
San-Japan 2016
bladeofcesare @bladeofcesare
I'll be going with a few friends. If it's anything like A-Kon was, expect a LOT of cosplay, some cool panels where you get to hear some great stories from various voice-actors, AMV competitions, a dealer area ready to take all of your money, and an explosion of anime/Japanese culture as far as the eye can see.

Cinnamoon @cinnamoon
commented on
San-Japan 2016
Cinnamoon @cinnamoon
I might go if I'm not able to make it to Dragon*Con. The only thing I have to add to what everyone's already said is that for some reason, volunteers at San Japan are especially rude so be prepared for that. I've been to cons all over the state and for some reason, every time I've been to San Japan, I've had a less than stellar experience with the volunteers. It's a good con otherwise. The dealer's room and artists alley are amazing and they always have voice actors I'm excited to meet! Plus, downtown San Antonio is a really fun place to cosplay.
I wish they had some kind of singles event, though. I don't think they've had any before.

El Choppo @choppington
commented on
San-Japan 2016
El Choppo @choppington
Only con I attend, though that doesn't take away the experience every year. From someone who was extremely agains cons, trust me, you're gonna have a good time.
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