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エックザック @ekkuzakku
エックザック @ekkuzakku
It is pretty dead tbh, if anything it's mostly people waiting for new people to join and talk to for a bit. This site is super old, I've been on here for a pretty long time lol
Last one to post here wins

mintytea @mintytea
commented on
Last one to post here wins
mintytea @mintytea
How dead is this forum XD Just wondering cuz not many threads are active (spoiler: I am new here lol)

Popcorn245 @popcorn245 Hello from a fellow developer and yes @mintytea, site is pretty sparse for activity, but giving me old internet vibes.

エックザック @ekkuzakku
エックザック @ekkuzakku
I have returned after 6 years... Hello random strangers from the internet~

tasha @tasha
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tasha @tasha
A-KON 27, YO!

エックザック @ekkuzakku
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A-KON 27, YO!
エックザック @ekkuzakku
I'm hyped, haven't been to a con in 6 months, I've been way too bored lately lol. Also hello again Fluttershy, long time no talk XD
San-Japan 2016

エックザック @ekkuzakku
commented on
San-Japan 2016
エックザック @ekkuzakku
I'll be going, this will be my second time. It was my favorite con last year, plenty of people but it doesn't feel packed like a lot of larger cons. I'm not great at explaining what there is to expect though, I'll let somebody else take care of that lol. Feel free to ask me questions though, I'll do my best to answer them.
Jun 6-8
Jun 5-7
Jul 31-Aug 2
Sep 4-7