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lunarswordsman1 @lunarswordsman1
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lunarswordsman1 @lunarswordsman1
What sorta animes are you recently into? Or you read manga too?

lunarswordsman1 @lunarswordsman1
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lunarswordsman1 @lunarswordsman1
Oi! Another Kimi ni Todoke fan nice~

ロイ @wallace614
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ロイ @wallace614
What games you into ? I'm also in need of game buds?
Last one to post here wins

mintytea @mintytea
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Last one to post here wins
mintytea @mintytea
How dead is this forum XD Just wondering cuz not many threads are active (spoiler: I am new here lol)
Heya, nice to meet you~

mintytea @mintytea
Heya, nice to meet you~
mintytea @mintytea
Hi hi~~~~
You may call me Mint or Minty!
I joined in hopes of making some new friends where we can just chill ~~
Talking about anime, manga, webtoon, etc!
Maybe we can even watch shows or movies together and play some video games together :D
currently, I like playing ACNH, Pal World, Party Animals, etc
Feel free to message me to talk about anything really, I am all ears ready to listen to any rants or current pains.
Let’s get over our sadness together!