ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
You're absolutely right. It is disgusting and that's how they do it. The thing that defines us as human is how you deal with. I suppose you could give them death sentence to all for them or lock them away in a dark cell for life. Hell maybe even castration with a dull hot knife(to keep them from bleeding out) sounds good. If you're truly a sadistic human being, you could try Scaphism.You could also realize they are human just like you and are prone to mental illness. Getting them a psychologist, finding the source of the illness, squashing the source of the illness,keeping away from childern(until the are mentally stable), and nurturing them to good mental health seems like the humane thing to do. But then again I don't make big decisions like that. I can only watch people say "slow castration with a hot dull knife or lock away for life".
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Uninterested. @coffeelink
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Did you really just compare pedophiles(Which is a mental sickness) With black people?
I'm sorry but you lost all credibility with that comparison; Those two problems are very different Because one is racial profiling and the other is really just bad sexual orientation, But let us Humor your logic shall we?
Situation one: False racial profiling.
*Black man walks into store*
*Black man goes to the back of the store*
*Shop-keep assumes he's trying to steal something and calls police*
*Black man comes and pays for goods and wishes him a good-day and leaves*
*The shop-keep feels bad and cancels the report*
Situation two: Pedophilia Sexual Orientation.
*Full grown sees young child or much more younger youth*
*Man thinks; "Hey i like her and wanna have sexual relations with her"*
*Man tries to talk to kid.*
*Both parties have nothing to talk about because of the huge experience gap*
*Man starts Joking around with the kid about a relationship or sex and tries to persuade her*
*Girls father of equal age to the man walks in and asks what the man is doing*
*Man tries to justify or work around his intentions*
*Father gets angry as the the man tries to defend himself and says he'll treat her great*
*Child still doesn't have a full understanding of the situation*
Do you not see the difference between those two there? The only misunderstanding there is in the first scenario and the pedophile was just trying to justify himself and differentiate himself from the masses because he believes he will be different, in both of those scenario's, The Shop-keep thought he was a thief when he wasn't, The Father thought he was trying to fuck his daughter when he actually was. It's not the fact that they are evil, it's the fact that they are only beneficial towards the older person. Children make mistakes and will make many more until they realize what they truly want. Grown-people know what they want from the point they start supporting themselves most of the time, when the younger usually don't know what they want until much later. actions do not define a person, they merely prove what that person is about. If we are following your logic here; then that would mean a depresses person shouldn't be considered depressed until they pull the trigger, which is really stupid. People should be judged by what they believe, not what they do.
You really are just sounding like another pedophile trying justify himself and trying to differentiate himself from the rest of the squabble of his belief because he believes he's doing it right. You're belief is driven by personal desire and selfishness. Nothing more.
And as i stated before... If you think like a bad person, then you are a bad person. Anybody can smile and hug a person. If you believe that logic that you just stated... then you must be a real good liar and two-faced person. I pitty you.
But i am done here. i said what i wanted and see no point to arguing with somebody who's logic is obviously flawed. Any form of pedophilia is a mental disorder, and that is the factual nature of it. Look it up.
115 @siruboo
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
115 @siruboo
its hard to joke about stuff related to pedos. im sure there isnt pedos here, people could convince you are. but your not
Animekid @animekid
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Animekid @animekid
Lol so much aimless hate
yaasshat @yaasshat
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
yaasshat @yaasshat
Aimless? Hardly. Pointless conversation? Just a little bit...
Animekid @animekid
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Animekid @animekid
Yeah aimless isn't the right word. More blind and unwilling to see any light lol.
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
It feels like everyone has happily played judge and jury for the passed twelve/thirteen pages, but most of the time it always fell just short of executioner. Naturally people will be sentenced according to the laws within the region they reside for breaking laws where minors are involved. But what about all the ticking time bombs who haven't acted on the bad wiring in their heads? Lets say there's been an imaginary room full of these mentally damaged individuals whom everyone has already cast judgement upon. What should be their final fate? I remember someone touch on trying to rehabilitate them but others said that would be a waste of effort. Do we ignore this room of dangerous individuals and hope they go away? Lock them away in prison or a mental hospital? Persuade them to commit suicide? Actually execute them?
What if someone from this forum came out and said, "My name is Xyz and I fall into this category of people. I don't know what to do." Do you tell them to get professional help? Tell them to kill themselves? Report them and hope someone else does something about the problem?
Animekid @animekid
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ATTN: MaiOtaku Pedophiles/Hebephiles
Animekid @animekid
You'd probably get a mix of all those.
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