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Is there a way to mend a wounded heart?

There is this girl at work whom I like. We share some common interest (games mainly), and we can talk for hours in RL at work or chatting on steam. Unfortunately she seem to had a very bad breakup a few years ago and now riddled with trust issue. In short, she work, and feed her ex with cash while he spends. They broke up finally and the ex still owe her a tons of cash. Anytime I hint about moving forward or anything related to romance, she will bring up the story about her ex, and how'd she support him, and how he still owe her money and so on. And man, she does bring that up a lot. Even a talk about Guild Wars 2 will bring her ex up. My gut feeling say I should move on, but my heart is conflicted. Is it possible to mend her trust issue? It does feels like I'm overstepping my bound to fix what ain't mine to fix. I don't mind a challenge, but damn, this is confusing.
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Its gonna sound harsh but i suggest you move on. Shes not gonna change its been a few years and she still hasnt moved on thats just crazy. The way it sounds is she still thinks about her ex thats why she cant stoo talking about him. Theres plenty of girls out there no point in wasting your time with this one. My 2 cents.
(Bad english alert but good advice ^^)You have to let your feelings go (If you want at least..)Then just remember what go wrong in the beginning like ask yoursel"Am i to fast in love when i have fun talk"... work yourself to see better person in mirror... Be yourself 100% so whener you find the one who likes you... you know it's because of that act like yourself... uhmm last thing i can say is we guys can take really fast a conclusion that doesn't is comfirmed.. so we think of way to fast before we know the truth and claim on it... that's i guess why things did not the way you wanted.. its not only you but me and other people have same things in different situations
If it's moving on you want to do; then by all means you already know what you should do. , But understand that she is your Friend first and a real friend is there regardless of what happens; if you say you care as much as you do; Then you must be there. if you Run at the first sign of trouble; then it's no wonder you are single tbh. If you love something; fight for it. She is Your friend; if you care for her... Help her, At-least at the end of day you can say you tried if you fail, if you run away before even putting any real effort, then i don't know what to tell you man. If you run from one thing; you'll run from all things. I think you are confused because you want this girl, You don't want to run. She's telling you about it; that's a start. Show her you care and support her. She talks about him because she is probably pissed at him and feels unfulfilled; If i worked and had an ex live off me, I'd be pissed too. But the thing shouldn't be how great he was or what he did, it should be how great you are going to be and what you're going to do. You are always going to find something that troubles you about the other person; but look at it like this: It doesn't matter if she still is pissed or talks about him; Overcome and Conquer i say. Now if she still talks about him in terms of Romance and stuff; yeah i'd say she still wants him, but that doesn't seem like the case here. You wan't his girl? Succeed where her Ex didn't. Think about it, she tells you about what he messed up on almost always; that's solid information right there man! Basically a Blueprint about what you could do better than him. Gee, Men wanna cut and run so easy. Smh, The Chase and work are some of the best parts of it. Of-course if she tells you to stop... then stahp dx
Sounds like you just gotta convince her you're not like that and things would be different. Show her you have no intention of having her financially support you. Demonstrate that you're more than capable of supporting yourself. Maybe offer to buy her lunch or something to start off with. Just don't go too overboard, could just be her way of trying to sucker you out of free stuff.
Moving on does not mean running away. As in not as a romantic interest anymore. We are still co-workers and we are still friends, just meant that I don't push her into a relationship if she is not ready for it, that's my gut feeling. Heart wants more, conflicted. Still good advice, does make me thinks the other side that I have missed. @neet-one Tried that with lunch, and once with a steam game she wanted. Not sure if it changes anything. Not good with signals, especially when its mixed.
Honestly, it sounds like she has issues she needs to work out herself and I don't think getting into a relationship would be helpful to her despite all the best of intentions. I suppose you can confess but ultimately, it's really up to her if she wants to be in a relationship right now, which might not be what she wants/is ready for despite mutual feelings. Also, just personally, I'm not terribly fond of like little games where someone tries to prove something to the other. Generally I think the best thing to do is to just have an honest, open, no strings attached talk with her. That way there's no mixed signals or anything and everyone knows where the other person stands. If you do go this route though, I should stress about being casual about it so that it doesn't seem like it's pressuring if you get my drift.
heart surgery. But yeah, simple answer is leave her to it. Be there to support when its asked, but essentially its her issue to deal with. If she wants to bitch, just let her bitch.
I'm sorry if this has already been said, but I really was too tired to read all responses. It's all about what you're expecting from her. If you want her to be more than friends and that's it, I'd suggest you move on. However, if you really care about her, it shouldn't matter if she's in for a relationship and you should be a good friend to her. This relates to what was discussed earlier in 'nice guys finish last'. Are you a nice guy or are you a real man, who sees this might not turn into a relationship? A 'nice guy' would be expecting her to go out with him and was nice to her for that reason. A man was kind to her because he just likes her. He can accept the friendship or decide that he has enough friends. It's up to you... What do you want? (Sorry, if this lacks coherence. As I said before: I'm slightly exhausted)
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