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Is there a way to mend a wounded heart?

Broken people need support from family and friends but ultimately a broken person has to want to move on and get better to actually move on and get better and sometimes only time will do that for them.
Thanks for the advice guys and gals. Its really refreshing to know I can still trust my gut feelings. Its really tempting to play pretend as the white knight, but I'm not that good at heart surgery and would've suck to hurt her even more. Plus I got my own issue to contend with to be busybody about someone else's. @sanfi I don't expect much. It was nice to have more with her, but I know from the start that it won't be that simple, so I kept my expectation, normal for the lack of a better word. For now, I think I will enjoy the time debating with her why dota2 sux, that's more then good enough for me. Also really appreciate the women's PoV on this as well. Thanks again for the constructive advises. It was surprisingly..... civil and normal. A pleasant surprise.
She needs to work on herself before she can love clearly, you can't mend her trust, she needs to mend the issue, if you do it, the second it goes south she goes back to her roots she clearly has something about this guy onher mind, and its probably the money,so if he hasnt paid her, she needs to forget about the money and forget about him, than continue to work on herself, or else shes always going to be like this...... and what do you mean by "move on"? if you mean stay friends but look elsewhere, good on you, but if you drop her completely....douche bag move
@daredevil Thanks for the advice, I agree, part of the reason I asked because I myself are not sure if its even possible to mend other people heart. Of course, no one in their right mind would throw away a friend IRL that you don't have pretend to be someone else when around them, for whatever reason.
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