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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Hi Hi, nice to meet you Ryuoki! Thanx for the add.

valarie @valarie
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valarie @valarie
Die kende ik nog niet. Sorry weer een late reactie van me.

Elz @enerezu
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Elz @enerezu
There are some new anime that focuses more on the graphic effect rather than the story line @____@ if I will have to choose its better to watch an anime with a nice story background rather than some cool effects and ecchi stuff dont you think?
What game are you currently playing?

Ryuoki @masterbeast008
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What game are you currently playing?
Ryuoki @masterbeast008
Twin Saga
anyone in the netherlands?

Ryuoki @masterbeast008
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anyone in the netherlands?
Ryuoki @masterbeast008
Yup ik ben ook uit nederland :D