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Saying sorry

Apr 06, 16 at 11:49pm
How good are you at saying sorry? When did you last apologize to somebody? http://pioncoo.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0%E2%98%86%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B7%E3%82%B9-%E7%AC%AC1%E8%A9%B1-433-336x185.jpg When I was a kid, I never apologized for anything I did. I couldn't separate my actions from my character. If I did something that was bad, then it meant that I was a bad person. I came up with every excuse in the world to avoid saying sorry. Even as a young adult my best sorry would be to hang my head and avoid eye contact. The thing is, most people don't apologize when they need to. Even though it's hard, it's important to admit you make mistakes. It makes everything better for all those involved. Next time it happens, just take a deep breath and say the words. Take the hit to your pride if it's for somebody that you care about. It goes a long way. Sorry is rarely ever unappreciated.
xynox @xynox commented on Saying sorry
Apr 06, 16 at 11:57pm
I only apologize when I know I REALLY messed up. Other than that.. Guess I'm still a kid in that regard.
Apr 07, 16 at 12:25am
As a kid I was pretty good with saying sorry unless I really didn't think I was in the wrong. I guess I'm probably about the same but maybe a little easier with saying sorry even when I don't think I'm at fault.
Cujo @cujo commented on Saying sorry
Apr 07, 16 at 12:28am
If it genuinely is my fault? Sure. But I'm not going to apologize to someone with an inflated ego just because it makes them feel better.
Apr 07, 16 at 12:58am
I've got no problem doing it if they're people I respect or like, otherwise I usually don't bother. Same could be said for admitting when I'm wrong in arguments. The exception to that being when I'm just tired of talking to them so I say whatever they want to hear.
Apr 07, 16 at 1:00am
This account has been suspended.
Apr 07, 16 at 1:38am
Either I apologize or I just do something to make it up to them so I don't have to say it.
Apr 07, 16 at 7:42am
I'm one of those people who have a habit of saying it even if I didn't do anything wrong.
I say sorry so many times for messing up in LoL when the team is in a fight I was recalling right in front of them ahh the trolling, but saying sorry helps o.o
Apr 07, 16 at 8:48am
I get weary when you post in the relationship forum. lol
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